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World leading research

The global research impact of Cambridge Judge Business School.

Our impact

Rankings and recognition


Business and Management

Cambridge Judge ranked #1 for Business and Management Studies as part of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 exercise carried out by the UK higher education funding bodies.


One year MBA in the UK

The Cambridge MBA ranked #2 one-year MBA in the UK by the 2024 Financial Times Global MBA Ranking.


Master of Finance Global ranking

The Cambridge MFin ranked #2 globally by the Financial Times MFin Post-Experience Ranking.


FT Responsible Business Education Awards 2025

Cambridge Judge is winner in Academic Research with Impact category.


Read the latest thought leadership from Cambridge Judge Business School.

CEO speaking to colleagues.

There are many research gaps on why executives engage in financial misconduct. Research by Professor Raghavendra Rau helps plug those holes, finding that CEOs who run firms near their hometowns are less likely to engage in accounting fraud, insider trading and other misdeeds.

Patients seeing the same doctor on each visit could have a doubly beneficial effect: significantly reducing doctor workload while improving patient outcomes and health.

Continuity of care through seeing the same GP regularly helps patients, doctors and hospitals, says a series of studies co-authored by Professor Stefan Scholtes.

Woman with red top talking on the phone.

From a recently launched AI special interest group to new AI-focused elective courses, artificial intelligence is taking centre stage on the Cambridge MBA. So how can the programme help you pursue a career in the field? We spoke to our MBA alumni to find out.

Upcoming events

Engage with the Cambridge Judge community through our wide programme of events in Cambridge and around the world; in person and online.

Join our Organisational Theory and Information Systems Seminar with Professor Tima Bansal, Ivey Business School.

Join our Finance seminar with Professor Arash Aloosh, DCU Business School.

Join us to learn more about the structure, benefits and outcomes of our Executive MBA programmes.

Join us for Enterprise Tuesday: Enterprise Tuesday: Women at the helm – advancing healthcare and biotech.

Join us online to hear more about the Cambridge MBA programme.

Join us for an informal virtual Q&A chat with our Executive MBA Admissions team.

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