Since 1990, Cambridge Judge Business School has built a reputation as a leading research-based Business School, a centre of rigorous thinking and high-impact transformative education.

Earlier in January 2018, students and Executive Education delegates began arriving to the new Simon Sainsbury Centre at Cambridge Judge Business School, a four-storey, 5,000-square-metre structure that greatly expands lecture, breakout rooms, meeting and dining facilities while uniting the School’s activities under one roof.
The project, designed by Stirling Prize-winning architect Stanton Williams, sits just behind Cambridge Judge Business School’s iconic Addenbrooke’s building on Trumpington Street. The project was supported in part by a generous donation from the Monument Trust, whose founder Simon Sainsbury was also one of the business school’s original benefactors.
The Simon Sainsbury Centre marks a new chapter in the history of Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS), bringing together all parts of our community – pre and post-experience students, Executive Education clients; faculty and external partners – enabling us to continue solving real-world problems in even more diverse and creative ways. By working with architects Stanton Williams we have managed to expertly increase our presence on the existing Business School site, maintaining our position at the heart of the Cambridge Cluster.
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