Believe & Achieve


Past ventures



Believe & Achieve graduated from Cambridge Social Ventures in September 2020.


Believe & Achieve UK is a women’s gym in Sheffield that focuses on mental health first, in alignment with physical health.

Delivering the whole package, Believe & Achieve supports women in developing a positive mind set alongside nutrition guidance and, of course, exercise plans. Believe & Achieve is on a mission to help women create a healthy lifestyle that is easy and enjoyable to maintain.

Believe & Achieve has both a gym floor and a classroom where they work with women; sharing knowledge and information so they can make informed choices rather than just follow yet another diet plan. They love to work with local experts to increase their knowledge.

Training workouts are in groups of just four enabling Believe & Achieve to deliver a personal workout to every client in a safe, friendly environment; a welcome difference from many of the large commercial gyms.


Believe & Achieve are a small team comprising of founder and director Claire Moore and Simon Stoskus.

Claire created Believe & Achieve back in 2013 after struggling with her own weight gain and then finding a happier and healthier solution.

Simon joined in October 2018, also as a personal trainer, enabling the gym to be open seven days a week.

The whole team is passionate about supporting women who may never normally feel comfortable in a gym, to find a love of exercise and learn how to look after their bodies with good nutrition and positive thoughts.


Believe & Achieve are on a mission to ban the diet. So many women spend most of their lives punishing themselves on miserable diets focusing primarily on what they can’t have.

They focus on what they dislike about their bodies and how they will be happy once this has changed. Believe & Achieve supports ladies in making small, enjoyable changes that become new habits and encourages women to make these changes out of love and respect for their bodies. Believe & Achieve knows that once clients change their thinking a ripple effect is created and the knowledge is shared with family, friends and colleagues. This spreads a positive approach to food and exercise beyond the gym walls.

Lead entrepreneur
Claire Moore

Get in touch

Believe & Achieve are now ready to franchise in the UK and keen to partner with anyone who can help with this project around the country. Do you know someone passionate about real health and fitness and wanting to run their own Believe & Achieve women’s gym?

Tel: +44 (0)114 3869321
Find Believe & Achieve on Facebook:
