Cambridge 229x205 1

Special issue of the Cambridge Journal of Economics published following UK~IRC workshop

14 May 2012

The article at a glance

Following a workshop that was co-organised by the UK Innovation Research Centre (UK~IRC) and the Cambridge Journal of Economics (CJE) on ‘Universities …

cambridge-229x205Following a workshop that was co-organised by the UK Innovation Research Centre (UK~IRC) and the Cambridge Journal of Economics (CJE) on ‘Universities and the Knowledge Economy’, a special issue of the journal has been published.

The scholars’ papers reflect on the challenges facing universities and the implications for future developments and public policy. The full special issue of the journal is available online.

Papers include:

  • John Goddard, Douglas Robertson, and Paul Vallance: “Universities, technology and innovation centres and regional development: the case of the North-East of England”
  • Ben R. Martin: “Are universities and university research under threat? Towards an evolutionary model of university speciation”
  • Valentina Tartari, Ammon Salter & Pablo D’Este: “Crossing the Rubicon: exploring the factors that shape academics’ perceptions of the barriers to working with industry”
  • Simon Mosey, Mike Wright & Bart Clarysse: “Transforming traditional university structures for the knowledge economy through multidisciplinary institutes”
  • Alan Hughes & Michael Kitson: “Pathways to impact and the strategic role of universities: new evidence on the breadth and depth of university knowledge exchange in the UK and the factors constraining its development”
  • Mark Dodgson & Jonathan Staggs: “Government policy, university strategy and the academic entrepreneur: the case of Queensland’s Smart State Institutes”

This article was published on

14 May 2012.