2013 news thatcher

Baroness Thatcher

17 April 2013

The article at a glance

Cambridge Judge Business School notes with profound regret the death of Baroness Thatcher on 8 April 2013.

Category: Misc news News

In 1997 The Margaret Thatcher Professorship of Enterprise Studies was endowed to the University of Cambridge, following a gift of £2 million from the Margaret Thatcher Foundation.

The post was attached to Cambridge Judge Business School in order to enhance the Department’s international excellence in teaching and research in all aspects of business and management. The endowment allowed the School to offer more specialised courses to practitioners and to enhance the MBA and MPhil programmes.

Professor Alan Hughes, Director of the Centre for Business Research (CBR), was appointed as the Margaret Thatcher Professor of Enterprise Studies, a post he holds to this day.

Obituaries can be found in The Telegraph and The Guardian, among many other newspapers.

This article was published on

17 April 2013.
