2013 podcast mba ushahidi

Maps level the playing field, but you can’t throw a map at a problem

20 June 2013

The article at a glance

The violence after the Kenyan Presidential elections in 2007 showed three bloggers the potential for a mapping tool that would help organisations …

The violence after the Kenyan Presidential elections in 2007 showed three bloggers the potential for a mapping tool that would help organisations crowd-source data and visualise it in real-time. Ushahidi was born and it has been used extensively for disaster relief, election monitoring and anti-corruption efforts. Director of Community Engagement Heather Leson explains the importance of a sound business plan to mobilise the community so that technological solutions can work.

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An interview with Conrad Chua, Head of Marketing and Admissions for the Cambridge MBA.

This article was published on

20 June 2013.