Leadership through peace is the theme of a conference being held in Cambridge to mark the centenary of the First World War
The conference, entitled ‘UK and its Allies, a Century after the Great War: Leadership through Peace’, is being hosted by Cambridge Judge Business School on Friday (9 May 17:30-19:30). Keynote speeches will be given by renowned historian Dominic Lieven and former BBC producer, Virginia Crompton, now Executive Producer of the First World War Centenary for the British Council and The Last Post project.
The conference will seek to analyse the current economic and political landscape as it relates to The Great War legacy, in the fields of international development, innovation and youth employment, education and culture. The brokering of peace by key influential leaders in the century following the First World War, will also be considered.
Dominic Lieven, who teaches in the University of Cambridge Faculty of History and is the author of Russia and the Origins of the First World War, will speak on ‘The Great War – underlying causes and implications’. Virginia Crompton, who originated the flagship Radio 4 history series, The Long View, will speak on ‘Public engagement and the First World War Centenary’.
Also speaking are Aleksandar Protić, Federal Counsellor at the UNESCO Federation of France and Professor Simon Stockley, Teaching Fellow in Entrepreneurship at Cambridge Judge Business School. Aleksandar will speak about ‘Memory projects fostering intercultural understanding about the Great War’, while Simon will talk about ‘Innovation as a catalyst for youth leadership a century after the Great War’.
The conference, part of the Cambridge talks series, is being organised by Cambridge Judge Business School alumni and alumni from the PEXIM Foundation, a not-for-profit that supports talented students from Serbia and Macedonia to attend the University of Cambridge.
Attendance is free with no pre-registration required and the conference will be followed by a cocktail buffet.
The conference is supported by Sir Paul Judge, principal benefactor of Cambridge Judge Business School.