2014 news cbrnuclearpower

Why the new nuclear power contract between EDF and the UK government should be re-negotiated

6 May 2014

The article at a glance

The BBC’s Today programme interviewed David Howarth about the findings from the Centre for Business Research (CBR)’s workshop on the nuclear power contract …

Hinkley Point nuclear power station
Hinkley Point ‘B’ nuclear power station

The BBC’s Today programme interviewed David Howarth about the findings from the Centre for Business Research (CBR)’s workshop on the nuclear power contract under negotiation between EDF and the UK government.

The EDF contract is one of several contracts for difference currently being negotiated under the government’s Electricity Market Reform. The European Commission is investigating whether the contract constitutes ‘state aid’ contrary to internal market rules. The contract may also contravene EU law on the free movement of goods.

Following the interview, the issues were discussed online in national, specialist and social media.

© Photograph copyright by Ken Grainger [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

This article was published on

6 May 2014.