2015 cfel news drhermanhauserfoundsthealpbachsummerschoolforentrepreneurs 883x432 1

Dr Hermann Hauser founds the Alpbach Summer School for entrepreneurs

7 May 2015

The article at a glance

This year Dr Hermann Hauser, accepted worldwide as successful computer and risk capital entrepreneur, founded the IECT – Hermann Hauser. Together with …

Herman Hauser talking with students

This year Dr Hermann Hauser, accepted worldwide as successful computer and risk capital entrepreneur, founded the IECT – Hermann Hauser.

Together with the European Forum Alpbach and the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL) at Cambridge Judge Business School, IECT have formed a framework for potential entrepreneurs, where they are able to present their product or venture ideas to an international jury – the Alpbach Summer School on Entrepreneurship.

The inaugural summer school will take place from the 19-24 August 2015 and include a blend of lectures, interactive workshops and coaching with renowned mentors to prepare the participants for pitching at the end of the programme. The overall aim of the programme is to evolve the ideas to marketability and create successful new entrepreneurs and ventures.

The benefits of attending include:

  • Gain inspiration, motivation and tools to commercialize your idea.
  • Understand the process of taking your novel technologies to market.
  • Determine the best business models and marketing strategy.
  • Accelerate your idea and develop key entrepreneurial skills and contacts.
  • Be part of a vibrant, like-minded company and meet global-playing senior entrepreneurs.

European PhD students or post-doctorate researchers from the fields of technology, advanced engineering, science and mathematics are now invited to apply for the limited places on the programme. Those interested should apply by 8 May 2015 via email to summerschools@alpbach.org using the subject heading, “Entrepreneurship summer school application”. Full information about the programme and the application process can be found in the brochure.