New initiative focusing on gender launched at LUMS in Pakistan, where Kamal Munir of Cambridge Judge serves as Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The Lahore University of Management Science (LUMS) in Pakistan, where Kamal Munir of Cambridge Judge serves as Dean of the Mushtaq Ahmad Gurmani School of Humanities and Social Sciences, has launched a new gender initiative that aims to focus teaching and research on the role of women.
The Saida Waheed Gender Initiative seeks to reach across the various schools at LUMS to develop resources, programmes and conversations relating to gender, and seeks to raise awareness of gender issues not only in Pakistan but also in other parts of Asia such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India and Nepal.
“The rise of women and gender studies must be read as a means to grapple with what are very concrete realities of inequality within many countries including Pakistan,” Munir wrote in a LUMS blog post announcing the new initiative. “Inequalities at the intersection of gender and class in paid and unpaid work, the social production of gendered identities and resulting decision-making both in domestic and public spheres are critical issues that need serious consideration.”
Kamal Munir is Reader in Strategy & Policy and Director of the Middle East Research Centre at Cambridge Judge.
The new initiative will facilitate discussion of gender issues across the four schools at LUMS, including events that bring together scholars, students and the wider community.