Paper on codes of conduct by Cambridge Judge PhD student, Maima Aulia Syakhroza wins Best PhD Paper at the Strategic Management Society annual conference in Berlin.

A research paper by Cambridge Judge Business School PhD student Maima Aulia Syakhroza was named Best PhD Paper at the Strategic Management Society annual conference in Berlin in September. The award carries a $1,500 cash award.
The paper, co-authored by two members of the Cambridge Judge faculty – Dr Kamal Munir, Reader in Strategy and Policy and Dr Lionel Paolella, University Lecturer in Strategy & Organisation – looks at how members of a category united by codes of conduct respond to threats from challengers violating the code.
The paper suggests that incumbents initially emphasise their authenticity by shunning adoption of the code violation, but later their reaction shifts to “competitive participation” – joining in with the code violation. The study looks at original data on Islamic banks across 23 countries over a 10-year period to test the hypothesis.
Aulia is a PhD candidate in the Strategic Management pathway at Cambridge Judge, focusing on organisational theory, with an interest in such subjects as authenticity, social identity and competitive threats.