Research paper on coordination by activist shareholders wins an award from the International Centre for Pension Management.
A research paper on coordination by activist shareholders authored by three people with ties to Cambridge Judge Business School is one of six winning papers in the 2017 Call For Research of the Toronto-based International Centre for Pension Management (ICPM).
The paper entitled Coordinated engagements was authored by Professor Elroy Dimson, Chairman of the Centre for Endowment Asset Management (CEAM) at Cambridge Judge; Dr Oğuzhan Karakaş, University Senior Lecturer in Finance at Cambridge Judge; and Dr Xi Li, a Fellow at Newton CEAM and Associate Professor of Accounting at the London School of Economics.
The research paper looks at engagements by a prominent network of activist shareholders cooperating to influence companies on environmental and social issues, and how this can improve target performance.
Rob Bauer, ICPM Executive Director says:
ICPM is thoroughly impressed with the quality of submissions that we received. Every year, we’re reminded from our Calls for Research that organisations across the globe are tackling similar pension and investment-related challenges.
Each winning paper award comes with a prize of 10,000 Canadian dollars and an invitation to present at ICPM’s bi-annual Discussion Forums, which connect pension sector experts and academics from around the world.
Separately, Professor Dimson was named a new Research Member of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI). The new Research Members are eligible to publish their work on corporate governance and stewardship in the ECGI Working Paper Series (Law and Finance).