The advantages of gender diversity on company boards is the focus of an interview with Professor Sucheta Nadkarni of Cambridge Judge in East Anglia in Business magazine.

The “striking benefits” that gender-diverse boards bring to companies is the focus of an interview with Professor Sucheta Nadkarni, Director of the Wo+Men’s Leadership Centre at Cambridge Judge Business School, in the latest edition of East Anglia in Business magazine.
“There are many reasons it’s important that women are better represented on company boards,” Sucheta says. “Companies are there to offer their products to the market and this market is very gender balanced.”
Suchesta says in the article, entitled “Bringing diversity to the board table – and beyond“:
There are a number of indicators that diverse boards perform better, from increased market share to better return on company assets, as well as turning around profitability more effectively.
Sucheta also talks about initiatives at Cambridge Judge, including the Women in Tech Challenge and how the Wo+Men’s Leadership Centre was launched.