We’ve put together our top tips for applicants completing their MFin application form.
Make sure you meet the entry requirements
The Cambridge MFin is a post-experience programme. It is a year-long, full-time programme combining learning with networking and coaching to help you excel in your future financial careers.
We require applicants to have a minimum of two year’s graduate work experience in finance-related roles and a high UK 2:1 or equivalent (GPA 3.6 or higher). To check if you meet the requirements, you can upload your CV online through our CV e-clinics service. Simply upload your CV detailing your work history and university grades (please do not include transcripts) and you will get a response within a few working days. If you studied overseas, you can check your degree equivalents on the Graduate Admissions website.
Do your research
Your application is your opportunity to show us why you would be a great addition to the MFin class. As part of your application you must submit a personal statement (500 words maximum). Use your personal statement to tell us what part of the programme appeals to you, what your experience has taught you and why you would be a great asset to the programme.
Get a good understanding of the programme before you apply. Make sure you are happy with the idea of taking a year out of work to study on the MFin and where you envision the programme taking your career.
Get your references sorted as early as possible
Waiting on references can be a lengthy process. We ask that you provide three references including one supervisor reference, a team member or peer reference and an academic reference.
When you submit your references, they will get an email from us asking for their reference.
We can only process your application once we receive all of your references. It may be worth making your referees aware so that they can be prepared when we contact them.
We also ask that references use professional or official work email addresses only and not a personal one. Further information on references can be found in our guidance notes.
Join us on some of our admissions webinars
We host monthly webinars on various subjects including fees and financing, admissions and careers. The webinars are a great way to find out more about the programme and you can also ask us any questions and have contact with the MFin team.
To find out about our next webinar, visit our events page.
Apply as early as possible
It is beneficial to apply as early as possible in the admissions cycle.
- Greater choice of Colleges: the University of Cambridge is a collegiate university and all students become members of a College. Your application will be sent to the Colleges only after an offer of admission has been made by the MFin Admissions Committee. Certain Colleges fill up early and some have quotas for accepting MFin candidates, so early applicants will have a broader choice of Colleges. Learn more about the Cambridge Colleges on the on the Graduate Admissions website.
- Fees and funding: financing your MFin is a major commitment, so early application can help with securing financing, funding or bursaries. This is because many scholarships are awarded early in the year and you will need to have an MFin offer in place before you can apply for them. You can find out more in our fees & financing section.
Prepare your application documents
As part of the application, you will need to provide copies of your transcripts (and certificates if applicable) and your CV. Therefore, it’s important to make sure you have all of these documents ready.
If you are an overseas student, and your transcripts are not in English, you must get them translated by an official source. This process can take some time so, to ensure a smooth, timely application, you should ensure any transcripts you submit are translated in advance.