The Centre for Strategic Philanthropy (CSP) has become a member of the Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS). WINGS is a global network of philanthropy associations, networks, academic institutions, support organisations and funders whose purpose is to strengthen, promote and provide leadership on the development of philanthropy and social investment.
“The CSP is keen to engage with practitioners in emerging markets,” notes the Executive Director, Clare Woodcraft. “We are building a research portfolio that we hope will offer up actionable solutions to help improve and scale impact in philanthropy. By working with existing networks and intermediaries, we want to fast track our outreach, reach more practitioners and in turn, generate more impact. We are particularly delighted to become a member of WINGS given their reputation for dynamism and engagement. We hope to be able to partner with them on multiple projects aimed at disseminating our research findings and building our executive education programme specifically for emerging markets,” she said.
WINGS aims to unlock philanthropy’s potential by strengthening its ecosystem of support organisations and comprises a diverse member base that works in multiple aspects of philanthropy in 45 countries.