Participants on a Cambridge Live Online interactive programme.

The Cambridge Live Online experience

25 February 2021

The article at a glance

Cambridge wherever you are

Live Online is a means of bringing the best aspects of a face-to-face learning experience here in Cambridge into your home or office. It really is Cambridge Wherever You Are.

Given the live online nature of these programmes, we’re able to take advantage of bringing together guest speakers from across industries, sectors and countries, who bring diverse skills and experience directly into the class.

We can bring diverse perspectives on difficult issues into focus through the Cambridge Virtual Debate, complete with breakout groups for discussion and voting amongst the participants to gauge opinion.

Interaction & engagement

In our Live Online programmes, we see a level of interaction and engagement among participants that often is even higher than the one we see in our physical classroom.

This is possible by building in facilitated group discussion, using breakout group activities, chat functionality, live polling and the networking areas on our virtual learning platform.

Using MIRO software, participants can design workflows and processes through our highly interactive design sprints in the classroom, with time for groups to work on it outside of the class and put it into action.

Because people do not occupy a physical space in the virtual room, and they’re moved around visually on the screen, we observe more fluidity in how people interact with one another, build on one another’s comments, and ultimately connect and contribute to one another’s learning.

Developing global personal & professional relationships

This is really important when collaboration is paramount. The response we’ve received has been fantastic. They feel that they are developing personal and professional relationships with people from all over the world at the same career stage. They will bring these relationships with them into the future, well beyond the programme itself.

This article was published on

25 February 2021.