Andrew Quan

Andrew’s MBA learning journey

Cambridge Venture Project client | ARM
Global Consulting Project client | Google
Concentration | Entrepreneurship
Extra-curricular activities | Chair of Cambridge Business School Club; Director of Aiducation, Cambridge Chapter; Regional Finalist (Dubai) HULT Prize, Dubai; Columbia University MBA Odyssey Case Competition Finalist, New York

Why the Cambridge MBA?

I chose the MBA because it was a one year programme that provided a specialisation in entrepreneurship, and the opportunity to be exposed to all kinds of diverse cultures and experiences, not only within Cambridge Judge Business School, but also within my College and the broader University.

How was your GCP experience?

Fantastic! A great team with varied backgrounds, skills and opinions. We worked in a highly inspirational company (Google) on a very fascinating topic (predictive analytics/machine learning based business decision making).

What inspired your career direction?

Inspiration came from both the programme itself and the people within it. From class time with colleagues, I was able to gain a greater understanding and appreciation for personalities, cultures, sectors, roles and industries that I wouldn’t necessarily have had the exposure to in my home country. From the programme, I was able to work in short-term consulting projects in large-scale technology companies I would never have had the opportunity to work with in such a finite period of time, and was able to do secure internships and project work that without an MBA would have been impossible.

Your plans for the next five years?

Today, I lead a product function of a micropayments technology start-up as a Head of Product. Within five years I would want to move into general management and leadership, and also begin working in professional executive and/or non-executive board roles for other start-ups or growth companies.

The Cambridge MBA in three words…

Inspiring, humbling, diverse.

Any advice to incoming students?

Be open and humble, and be helpful to others at all times! Try not to over-commit to too many things, otherwise you will burn out and lose track of what’s important in life. Having expectations of changing your career straight after graduation is admirable but in practice does not happen overnight. Be focused in your career search, be realistic yet bold, and be patient.




University of New South Wales, Australia

Pre-MBA role

Engagement Manager, Edgar, Dunn & Company

Current role/company

Head of Product, Littlepay


Australia and United Kingdom
