DBOSI 2021

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10 Feb 2021

14:30 -17:30

11 Feb 2021

14:30 -17:30

12 Feb 2021

14:30 -17:30


By invitation only

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(where applicable, further details sent upon registration)

Digital Foundations of Business, Operations, Strategy, and Innovation (DBOSI) workshop

The third Digital Foundations of Business, Operations, Strategy, and Innovation (DBOSI) workshop started on 10th February 2021. Over 3 days academics from across the globe met virtually to exchange, discuss, and communicate ideas on the early stage research on digital innovation being developed by junior and senior researchers.

Learn more about the event

Summary of the event

The event was organised by Magnus Mähring (magnus.mähring@hhs.se),Anna Essén (anna.essen@hhs.se), of House of Innovation, Stockholm School of Economics, and Michael Barrett (m.barrett@jbs.cam.ac.uk), of Cambridge Digital Innovation at the University of Cambridge.

Geoffrey Parker, Professor of Engineering at Dartmouth College, a renowned thought leader on digital platforms, opened the workshop. His talk on adapting business and operating models to deal with disruption was followed by Jan Abrahamsson, Vice President and Head of Strategic Customer Engagement at Ericsson, that discussed the emergence of cross-sectoral ecosystems as a system of systems.

On the second day of the conference, Eivor Oborn, Professor of Healthcare Management at the University of Warwick, shared her keynote titled ‘Responding to the Crisis: Accelerating the Integration of Innovation Ecosystems’ followed by Rebecka Cedering Ångström, Senior Researcher, Consumer and Industry Lab for Ericsson, who gave her keynote on ‘AI adoption in organisations; the path to constant change’.

During workshop breakout sessions, researchers shared their early work to groups of delegates, followed by a facilitated session to discuss, debate and propose ideas to further develop the research. The workshop was lively, interactive, and ultimately, productive. Professor Barrett said after the conference:

“The workshop was terrific. We were all inspired in sharing and building ideas together as to how digital innovation may be used in responding to the current crisis. A truly Nordic culture pervaded the workshop allowing junior and senior researchers to collaborate together to meet the grand challenges of our times.

The organisers would like to thank House of Innovation, Stockholm School of Economics, the Swedish Centre for Digital Innovation (SCDI), and Cambridge Digital Innovation (CDI, based at Hughes Hall and Cambridge Judge Business School) for their support. They would also like to express their gratitude to fellow scholars who helped push the boundaries of thinking towards life-changing concepts on digital innovation.
