15 Mar 2023
16:00 -17:00
Open to: Members of the University of Cambridge
Chen-Tsao Lecture Theatre, Cambridge Judge Business School
Trumpington St
United Kingdom
Join Professor Mohamed A El-Erian (President of Queens’ College and Chief Economic Advisor to the Allianz Group) in his fireside chat with Professor Cass R Sunstein (Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard University and co-author of Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness, with Richard H Thaler, published in 2008). He works closely with El-Erian Institute and frequently co-authors with Professor Lucia A Reisch, El-Erian Professor of Behavioural Economics and Policy. He is a Fellow of Cambridge Judge Business School and Distinguished Academic Visitor of Queens’ College.
They will discuss where we stand today, regarding policies targeting climate change, in the US, Europe and worldwide. What is the role of businesses, what is the role of the state? A particular focus will be on how behavioural science can help improve the effectiveness of such policies.