Pool Re Cyber Terrorism report launch

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28 Nov 2017

08:15 -11:00


By invitation only

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The Fishmonger’s Hall

London Bridge



United Kingdom


The Centre for Risk Studies, in collaboration with Pool Re, the national terrorism pool, held a launch event in London on November 28 for the publication of a new report ‘Cyber Terrorism: Assessment of the Threat to the Insurance’.

This report is an assessment of the current status and future shape of the cyber terrorist threat to the UK mainland and economy.

The research was undertaken over the course of two years collaboration between the Centre for Risk Studies and Pool Re Ltd. It provides the basis of a change in policy to the Pool Re scheme that will go into action in April 2018. 

Download the report

Read the press release

Cyber terrorism.


Tuesday 28 November 2017

08:15 – 08:45

Registration & coffee

08:45 – 08:55


Julian Enoizi, Chief Executive, Pool Re

08:55 – 09:05

Keynote address

The Rt Hon Ben Wallace, Minister of State for Security

09:05 – 09:20

Threat update and response challenges

Robert Hannigan, former Director, GCHQ

09:20 – 09:30

Insurance perspective

Steve Coates, Chief Underwriting Officer, Pool Re

09:30 – 10:05

CRS Main findings, scenarios & report overview

Simon Ruffle and Eireann Leverett, Centre for Risk Studies, University of Cambridge Judge Business School

10:05 – 10:20

Pool Re cyber terrorism proposition response

Steve Coates, Chief Underwriting Officer, Pool Re

10:35 – 10:55

Panel session

Chaired by Ed Butler, Head of Risk Analysis, Pool Re Panelists: Julian Enoizi, Steve Coates and Paul Pratley

10:55 – 11:00

Closing remarks

Julian Enoizi, Chief Executive, Pool Re
