The Centre for Risk Studies is a research centre of the University of Cambridge, located in Cambridge Judge Business School. It provides independent research on business risk and is focused on engagement with the business community to ensure relevance and impact of its research in improving risk management decisions.

Lunch generously provided by Lighthill Risk Network.


The Ebola crisis is the latest emerging infectious disease to cause disruption to modern society.

Disease epidemics have been the causes of some of the worst socio-economic shocks throughout human history. Public healthcare has conquered endemic infectious diseases but nature retains its capacity to produce new mutations of pathogens that overcome human immune systems and for which modern medicine has no treatment. A pandemic resulting from a new genetic variant of a virus is a significant threat to today’s highly interconnected world.

In this briefing, the research team of the Centre for Risk Studies at the University of Cambridge will provide an update on risk research on the potential for infectious diseases to disrupt social and economic activity. They will outline a proposed ‘Risk Test Scenario’ for investment stress testing, business preparedness, and insurance loss estimation.

The briefing will address:

  • How might the current Ebola crisis play out?
  • How and where might other infectious diseases cause disruption?
  • What could a severe scenario of infectious disease disruption do to our global economy?


Ebola and Pandemics
Defining a Risk Test Scenario for managing the business risks posed by infectious disease outbreaks
Download presentation


São Paulo Virus Pandemic: Stress Test Scenario
Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies Report
Infectious diseases continue to pose a major societal threat. This report proposes a stress test scenario of a pandemic for use in business and policy-making.
Download the report (pdf, 14.7MB)
