Associate Researcher, Energy Policy Research Group
BCom, PhD, DSc (Hon), DCivLaw (Hon)
My research interests include privatisation, competition and regulation. Formerly Director General of Electricity Supply, 1989-1998, I am an Emeritus Professor at the University of Birmingham.

News and insights
Research from Cambridge Judge Business School has been instrumental in developing a new system of energy market regulation Research from Cambridge Judge Business School's Dr Michael Pollitt, Reader in Business Economics, and Dr Stephen Littlechild, Fellow in Privatisation, Regulation & Competition, has been instrumental in developing a new system of regulation which encourages engagement with customers, say energy regulators. Cambridge Judge Business School's regulatory unit is respected internationally as possibly the leading institution in economic regulation," says former Ofgem CEO Alistair Buchanan. "Their views and models are sought across the globe. He adds that Dr Pollitt and Dr Littlechild's involvement provided credibility to Ofgem's 'very significant' RPI-X@20 review of network prices. Energy network charges make up around 20 per cent of the total charges that a typical householder pays. Dr Pollitt and Dr Littlechild's body of research, carried out between 2006 and 2009, aimed to improve upon the then current system of controlling annual price changes within energy networks, which used a formula known as RPI -X (retail price index, or simply the rate of inflation, minus X, in which X is the efficiency factor) and dated from the early 1980s. However, by 2005, energy networks had been price cap…