Name: Charles Shen
Nationality: Chinese
Programme: MFin 2018
Education: BA in Philosophy and Economics, University College London, UK

What was your pre-MFin background?
I was part of the business development team at the London Stock Exchange Group, responsible for promoting the firm’s electronic trading platform for multiple asset classes including derivatives and fixed incomes. I worked in both London and New York.
Why was Cambridge an attractive programme for you?
I was determined to stay away from London for a while to have some thinking space.
What stood out about the academic learning experience for you?
What stood out academically is the breadth of exposure we get. For example, the Purpose of Finance elective was my absolute favourite (to the extent I would recommend the programme considers making it core course). The course forced me to think about the big picture and how my choice of career is going to positively or negatively impact the world.
Please tell us about the standout elements of the Cambridge experience or extra-curricular activities you took part in during your MFin
I was part of the Cambridge Positive Investment Society where we worked with College bursars to try and influence their investment decisions for the endowment funds. To this date, the people I met from the society are still in touch and talk about the changes we’re pushing through in our respective fields.
What aspect of the MFin learning experience would you say you find most useful now in your professional life?
The MFin allowed me a year out of the ‘career race’, to consolidate my existing understanding of finance and the world by and large. More importantly, the year enabled me to reflect on the fundamental life questions that one usually escapes from whilst employed full-time.
How has the MFin influenced your career journey, and did the MFin open new career paths for you?
The MFin helped me eliminate many seemingly shiny career paths that deep down I would not enjoy. I also met the founder of Summatic (the startup I am part of) during my time in Cambridge.
How has your career progressed since the MFin?
I feel I am heading in the direction that I’m confident with and makes me satisfied.
Would you recommend the Cambridge MFin and why?
I would absolutely recommend Cambridge MFin to people who feel they are constantly snowed under at work and do not have time to reflect on their career and life decisions. The Cambridge MFin is smaller in size than many MBA or post-experience Master of Finance programmes. This is an incomparable advantage when it comes to student experience.