Danny Al-Khafaji: From international relations to research and innovation


Name: Danny Al-Khafaji

Nationality: British

Programme: MPhil Technology Policy 2020

Education: International Relations, King’s College London

Country of residence: UK

Company: Future Science Group

“For me the greatest value came from the makeup of the cohort itself. Exchanging ideas, perspectives and experiences with some of the brightest young minds has opened my mind and changed the way I look at the world.”

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“The MPhil in Technology Policy is a truly multidisciplinary programme that has provided me with the holistic understanding and intellectual toolkit necessary to make sense of the technological changes sweeping our globe. From understanding how to effectively manage innovation within a private sector organisation, to analysing public policy approaches to attracting investment in R&D, the MPhil opened my mind to the interconnectedness of our world, and the ways in which state and non-state actors can thrive within it. Beyond the intellectually stimulating content of the programme, for me the greatest value came from the makeup of the cohort itself. Exchanging ideas, perspectives and experiences with some of the brightest young minds has opened my mind and changed the way I look at the world.”


An avid reader of history and yearning to understand how to tackle challenges in a globalised world, prior to Cambridge Danny studied International Relations at King’s College London’s prestigious War Studies Department. While there he was struck by the impact of the technological revolution on the international political landscape and became fascinated with the question of how it could be harnessed in a way that protects our civil liberties and unlocks opportunity. The MPhil in Technology Policy allowed Danny to bridge the gap by connecting his understanding of the global political landscape with a strong foundation of knowledge in the intersection between economics, policy and technological innovation.

Danny is currently the Vice President of Research & Innovation at the Future Science Group in London.
