Color Club


Past ventures




Color Club CIC empowers small-scale garment makers in South Asia to be self-sustainable.

The social enterprise strives to support and nurture small-scale south Asian garment makers by providing them with the right machinery to produce efficiently, digital training to utilise social media channels themselves, international exposure through its Instagram platform as a sales channel and recognition by sharing their stories with the customers.

Color Club has a self-strengthening hybrid business model, with a fully-fledged commercial side of the business in addition to the social side. On the commercial front, it’s mainly a make-to-order garment business where Colour Club manages orders, markets and sells garments – made by the small-scale makers – all over the world. They have been able to garner a huge social media followership for their cause on Instagram.

The enterprise primarily supports makers in Pakistan but has started working with individuals in Bangladesh and soon hopes to work in India too.


Color Club is run by a purpose-preneur power couple, Daneyal and Mubashara Mirza.

Daneyal Mirza
Daneyal, Founder and Managing Director, is originally from Pakistan and came to the UK to pursue his second masters in human resources at Lancaster University with three years of prior experience of lectureship and corporate training. He is currently pursuing his third masters, in social innovation, at Glasgow Caledonian University at the Yunus Centre of Social Business and Health.

Daneyal founded Color Club in 2017 as a tribute to his mother’s hardship. She was a small-scale garment maker in the 90s and faced many structural and financial problems.

Mubashara Mirza
Mubashara, Co-founder and Marketing Director, is also from Pakistan, and has a background in garment startups. She successfully started and ran two garment businesses. Mubashara has a bachelor’s in accounting and finance.


The small-scale garment sector in South Asia is a very neglected industry with makers not big or strong enough financially or resource-wise enough to stand up for their rights. It is difficult for small scale makers to reach international clients and as a result they often end up being paid low wages on garments that are sold for dollars or pounds at an incrementally higher price.

Color Club wants to see garment makers make a better living for themselves. Through Color Club’s support they would gain the skills to pitch themselves to customers online themselves, this eliminates the middle players who have the chance to exploit them. The aim of Color Club is to empower makers to run their own social media channels and trade directly with international clients who pay the makers directly. Color Club makers have achieved this level of proficiency, sometimes they choose to do a joint campaign with Color Club but usually they trade for themselves online. This allows Color Club to help new makers learn about promotion and also to sell these new makers’ products via their own social media.

Lead entrepreneur
Daneyal Mirza

Get in touch

Color Club are looking for individuals who want to be involved as non-executive directors for the organisation. They also love people buying their garments!

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