Griffin Occupational Therapy graduated from Cambridge Social Ventures in September 2019.
Griffin Occupational Therapy (GriffinOT) provides online training and therapy programme solutions for parents and teachers. The company’s focus is on sensory processing disorder training and motor skill development programmes for families of, and teachers working with, children with autism or developmental delays. Griffin Occupational Therapy aims to provide affordable, high quality online courses and programmes for this population. Each online course aims not just to teach you what you could do to help your child or the children you work with, but why you are doing those things and how to do them safely.
The company was founded and is run by occupational therapist Kim Griffin. Kim has been working in paediatrics since graduating in 2002; with her focus for the last ten years being sensory integration autism.
Since moving to the UK in 2006 Kim has seen many cuts to occupational therapy provision in both health care and education with the result being parents and teachers are left to run their children’s occupational therapy programme with little support and limited training. In an effort to bridge this gap Kim was motivated to set up the online training and resource arm of Griffin Occupational Therapy in 2017.
The Griffin Occupational Therapy mission is to provide affordable, high quality and easily accessible sensory processing disorder training and motor skill programmes for parents and teachers. The company aims to provide schools with a cost-effective way to provide occupational therapy programmes to their children, whilst ensuring that these are implemented correctly and safely. It also aims to ensure that families can access high quality information and learn at their own pace.
Lead entrepreneur
Kim Griffin
Get in touch
Griffin Occupational Therapy would love to hear from schools or special educators who feel that their programmes would be of interest to them. They also welcome all opportunities for media coverage and speaking engagements that are linked to sensory processing challenges or motor skill development.
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