New Ground Creations


Past ventures


Business/Professional development


New Ground Creations (NGC) is a social enterprise that delivers bespoke leadership and enterprise programmes for organisations working with young people. Their programmes coincide with the national curriculum and are suitable for Key Stages 2 to 5. They focus on introducing young people to leadership, business and employment skills through workshops, master-classes and coaching. They target 16 to 30-year-olds with the aim to inspire them to LIVE. LIVE is an acronym for Legacy, Innovate, Venture and Educate.

Some of the core activities include £10 Challenge, Test Trading Opportunities, Business Startup Support, Leadership Development and Coding. NGC also provides staff training to the workers and parents of children and young people.


Lead entrepreneur: Pareece Rose

Pareece Rose is the Founder and Director of New Ground Creations. She decided to set up her company a few years after a traumatic experience in the passing of 4 of her friends at age 16 due to gangs and knives. Pareece is fun, relatable and knowledgeable about getting people started in business and has worked with thousands of young people over the last 10 years.

Annarrah is the Operations Manager and is passionate about businesses and helping them succeed in their plans.

Ebony is the Project Coordinator, working closely with Pareece across various projects, she’s the glue between the ideas and the tools needed to deliver with impact.

Valerie is their young, vibrant social media lead.


New Ground Creation’s mission is to save young lives through enterprise. They want to introduce young people to various routes of employment, business and technology to prevent young people engaging in gangs, guns and knives. They hope to reduce the anti-social behaviour committed by young people in their local communities. The company believes that by training and supporting the institutions who work with young people, young people will experience holistic support, thus developing their own voice and the life skills they need to live to their full potential.

Get in touch

NGC is interested in working with partners who can provide accreditation to young people in employment, coding or leadership. They would also appreciate links to people influencing youth policy and the curriculum. Additionally they would welcome businesses interested in mentoring young people and their business ideas.

Tel: +44 (0)7828 936563

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