

Current ventures




ReconnectEd is a social enterprise (CIC) set up to help young people at risk of exclusion to be reconnected to and flourish within mainstream school. ReconnectEd does this through a trauma-informed emotion programme whereby they recruit and upskill local people from deprived communities in the UK to help young people facing adversity to reach their potential.


ReconnectEd aims to contribute towards a more inclusive society. It is widely recognised that the most vulnerable of young people are at an unfair disadvantage, and the pandemic has worsened their life chances. Indeed, young people excluded from school are the most vulnerable in society. Just one in two progress to sustained destinations at age 16; young people in gangs are six times more likely to have been excluded compared to other young people assessed by children’s services; and one in two adult prisoners have been excluded from school.

The estimated costs of exclusion are £370,000 per young person in lifetime education, benefits, healthcare and criminal justice costs. This amounts to £2.9 billion, on average, for every year’s cohort of permanently excluded pupils (approximately 8,000).

We’re aiming for more inclusive school communities where all young people flourish, move successfully through the education system and contribute meaningfully to society.

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