Professor Lucia Reisch seeks collaboration between the El-Erian Institute at Cambridge Judge and the Leibniz Institute on prevention research on health and obesity issues.
Lucia Reisch, El-Erian Professor of Behavioural Economics & Policy at Cambridge Judge Business School, has been re-appointed to the additional post of Leibniz Chair at Germany’s Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology, known as BIPS.
Lucia, who is Director of the El-Erian Institute of Behavioural Economics & Policy at Cambridge Judge, has held the honorary professorship at BIPS since 2017. Her re-appointment for a further five years was made by the Supervisory Board on the recommendation of the Presidential Board of the Leibniz Association in Berlin.
“I am happy to continue my collaboration on health behaviour and policies with researchers at BIPS ” said Lucia. “In the coming five years, I would like to put a focus on obesity prevention, nudging for health and active mobility, as well as generally strengthening interdisciplinary research collaboration in implementation science.”
BIPS is one of the oldest epidemiology institutes in Germany, focused on developing effective strategies for the prevention of chronic, non-communicable diseases and setting a course for a healthy life at an early stage.