The recently released Cambridge MBA Employment Report celebrates how our graduates can adapt to change and pivot in a recovering employment landscape.
“We are delighted to report on the destinations of our talented class of MBA 2020,” says Cambridge Judge Head of Careers, Margaret O’Neill.
The annual MBA Employment Report, published each Spring, details the outcomes of the graduating MBA class of 2020/21.
“The COVID-19 pandemic impacted recruitment in the short term, but we are pleased to see the employment market recover, with 91% of job seekers from the class accepting an offer within three months of graduation, and achieving an average salary increase of 61%.”
Switching function and country
Our MBA 2020 graduating class are now working in 22 countries around the globe, with 98% of the class achieving a switch of function, industry, or country, and 47% achieving all three – up from 29% last year.
36% of the class chose to return to their pre-MBA country, with the rest switching to a new location. 60% of the class of 2020 are continuing their careers in the UK, with 26% across Asia and 8% in North America.
Sector and roles
Strategy consulting, internet/e-commerce, technology and fintech were the major sectors of choice for the class, with the consulting sector in particular seeing a bounce-back after cautious recruitment last year.
A quarter of MBA 2020 job seekers went into this sector, with 30% moving into finance, and 42% into roles in industry. In the not-for-profit sector 3% took roles, whilst nine graduates started their own business straight out of the MBA
Of those moving into consulting, almost 70% came from a non-consulting background. For those choosing roles in the finance sector, 28% went into the Fintech industry, and 18% into VC/Private equity, with the same numbers choosing investment banking. Half of those working in industry have chosen roles in internet/e-commerce or tech, whilst 10% chose roles in the healthcare/pharma/biotech sector, reflecting the growth and impact of these sectors over the past two years in particular.
Our top employers were Amazon, Deloitte, BCG, McKinsey, JP Morgan and Shopee, but over 100 international employers recruited from our diverse Cambridge MBA class of 2020/21.
As part of the Cambridge MBA, students undertake a career development programme alongside their studies, during which they work closely with the CJBS Careers team to create a personalised plan based on career aspirations. The programme includes practical workshops, coaching, as well as recruitment and networking events with employers.
Margaret concludes, “After another challenging year of disruptive change in work and education across the globe, we are delighted that our MBA class of 2020 have found such a wide range of fulfilling roles to launch their post MBA careers. Our innovative, experiential MBA gives our graduates the tools, skills, and confidence they need to manage their careers successfully for life, wherever it may take them. We are proud of all they have achieved, and excited to follow their journey.”