Research themes

Drawing on business school faculty across management disciplines, from organisational behaviour and operations management to marketing and strategy, and on partners with the specific relevant industry expertise, we focus on 3 key research themes:

Health service delivery

The management challenges of delivering effective and affordable frontline services are the primary concern of this theme.

We have 4 major programmes:

  • Leadership and Institutional Change
  • Knowledge Transfer
  • Health Information Systems
  • Operational Effectiveness and Service Innovation

Pharma, biotech and medtech

Biomedical and engineering technology will continue to be critically important to achieve better health for more people.Are our business models and management practices effective in creating and exploiting technological advance? Cambridge, with its leading position in biotechnology and engineering research, is an excellent place to study this question.

Our key areas of interest in this programme are the challenges faced by biopharmaceutical companies, large and small, and the shape of the evolving new business models in this industry.

Healthcare in developing countries

Co-innovation with the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid: how firms and other organisations are actively engaging those who live on less than $1 a day through innovative products, services and business models.

This can be a two-way highway of innovation creation and adoption to address the increasing demands of healthcare needs across the world.


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News and insights

Read about the latest news and research from the Centre for Health & Leadership Enterprise.

Patients seeing the same doctor on each visit could have a doubly beneficial effect: significantly reducing doctor workload while improving patient outcomes and health.

Continuity of care through seeing the same GP regularly helps patients, doctors and hospitals, says a series of studies co-authored by Professor Stefan Scholtes.

Tired nurse.

Long periods of consecutive working days in intensive care units negatively affect the quality of care, says research co-authored by Stefan Scholtes.

A group of five doctors, three men and two women, discussing treatment.

In this insightful interview, Stefan Scholtes, Director of the Cambridge Centre for Health Leadership and Enterprise discusses the Centre's mission to create new types of healthcare organisations that can improve health outcomes at scale. Positioned within the Business School, the Centre focuses on implementing innovative business models that prioritise accessibility, affordability, and equity in healthcare delivery. Learn how the Centre’s unique “think-do” approach, emphasis on structural transformation, and collaborations with industry and government are reshaping the future of healthcare.…
