The aim of the Centre for International Human Resource Management is to conduct insightful and practical research to improve the design and deployment of high-performance people management processes into innovative contexts.
We frame our research around themes that reflect the most pertinent challenges for organisations. We conduct initial research for each theme, assembling cases, hard facts, and academic articles to support the findings from our own surveys, interviews and focus groups.

The Cambridge Centre for International Human Resource Management brings together world-leading organisations with an interest in innovative approaches to managing people in complex contexts:
- Conduct insightful and practical research to improve the design and deployment of high-performance people management processes into innovative contexts.
- Create and develop people management tools and techniques that deliver competitive advantage.
- Provide an unparalleled network of academics and organisational leaders that share experience, knowledge and insight in how better to design and deploy high-performance people management.
- Develop and deliver public and member-only education programmes to raise the skill levels of organisations.