Publications from 2020

Aboulamer, A., Soufani, K. and Esposito, M. (2020) “Financing the circular economic model.” Thunderbird International Business Review, 62(6): 641-646 (DOI: 10.1002/tie.22123)

Agarwal, N., Chakrabarti, R., Prabhu, J. and Brem, A. (2020) “Managing dilemmas of resource mobilization through jugaad: a multi-method study of social enterprises in Indian healthcare.” Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14(3): 419-443 (DOI: 10.1002/sej.1362)

Agrawal, V. and Oraiopoulos, N. (2020) “The role of decision rights in codevelopment initiatives.” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 22(4): 645-867 (DOI: 10.1287/msom.2019.0775)

Ahmad, M.G. and Loch, C. (2020) “What do the followers want? The core functions of leadership.” Leadership Quarterly, 31(2): 101293 (DOI: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2019.04.003)

Ajayi, V. and Reiner, D. (2020) “European industrial energy intensity: innovation, environmental regulation, and price effects.” Energy Journal, 41(4): 75-98 (DOI: 10.5547/01956574.41.4.vaja)

Amis, J.M., Mair, J. and Munir, K. (2020) “The organizational reproduction of inequality.” Academy of Management Annals, 14(1): 195-230 (DOI: 10.5465/annals.2017.0033)

Ananya, K.L. and Pollitt, M.G. (2020) “Reactive power procurement: a review of current trends.” Applied Energy, 270: 114939 (DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.114939)

Atta-Darkua, V., Chambers, D., Dimson, E., Ran, Z. and Yu, T. (2020) “Strategies for responsible investing: emerging academic evidence.” Journal of Portfolio Management, 46(3): 26-35 (DOI: 10.3905/jpm.2020.46.3.026)

Bao, Y. and Yin, E. (2020) “Global mindset and the performance of Chinese firms.” Frontiers in Management and Business, 1(1): 24-39 (DOI: 10.25082/FMB.2020.01.005)

Bartolucci, S. and Kirilenko, A. (2020) “A model of the optimal selection of crypto assets.” Royal Society Open Science, 7: 191863 (DOI: 10.1098/rsos.191863)

Benbya, H., Davenport, T.H. and Pachidi, S. (2020) “Special issue editorial: Artificial intelligence in organizations: current state and future opportunities.” MIS Quarterly Executive, 19(4): Article 4

Bhatti, Y., Prabhu, J. and Harris, M. (2020) “Frugal innovation for today’s and tomorrow’s crises.” Stanford Social Innovation Review, 23 June 2020

Cappellaro, G., Tracey, P. and Greenwood, R. (2020) “From logic acceptance to logic rejection: the process of destabilization in hybrid organizations.” Organization Science, 31(2): 245-534 (DOI: 10.1287/orsc.2019.1306)

Castro, A., Phillips, N. and Ansari, S. (2020) “Corporate corruption: a review and an agenda for future research.” Academy of Management Annals, 14(2) (DOI: 10.5465/annals.2018.0156)

Chambers, D., Dimson, E. and Kaffe, C. (2020) “Seventy-five years of investing for future generations.” Financial Analysts Journal, 76(4): 5-21 (DOI: 10.1080/0015198X.2020.1802984)

Chambers, D., Dimson, E. and Quigley, E. (2020) “To divest or to engage? A case study of investor responses to climate activism.” The Journal of Investing, 29(2): 10-20 (DOI: 10.3905/joi.2020.1.114)

Chambers, D., Dimson, E. and Spaenjers, C. (2020) “Art as an asset: evidence from Keynes the collector.” Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 10(3): 490–520 (DOI: 10.1093/rapstu/raaa001)

Chambers, D. and Saleuddin, R. (2020) “Commodity option pricing efficiency before Black, Scholes, and Merton.” Economic History Review, 73(2): 540-564 (DOI: 10.1111/ehr.12935)

Chark, R., Mak, V. and Muthukrishnan, A.V. (2020) “The premium as informational cue in insurance decision making.” Theory and Decision, 88(3): 369-404 (DOI: 10.1007/s11238-019-09732-5)

Claus, L. and Tracey, P. (2020) “Making change from behind a mask: how organizations challenge guarded institutions by sparking grassroots activism.” Academy of Management Journal, 63(4): 965–996 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2017.0507)

Couharde, C., Damette, O., Generoso, R. and Mohaddes, K. (2020) “The growth effects of El Niño and La Niña: local weather conditions matter.” Annals of Economics and Statistics, 140: 83-126

Cousins, P., Dutordoir, M., Lawson, B. and Quariguasi Frota Neto, J. (2020) “Shareholder wealth effects of modern slavery regulation.” Management Science, 66(11): 4921-5484 (DOI: 10.17863/CAM.43261)

Cristofini, O. and Roulet, T. (2020) “Playing with trash: how gamification contributed to the bottom-up institutionalization of zero waste practices.” Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2020(1) (DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.39)

Dai, Y., Rau, P.R., Stouraitis, A. and Tan, W. (2020) “An ill wind? Terrorist attacks and CEO compensation.” Journal of Financial Economics, 135(2): 379-398 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jfineco.2019.06.005) (available online via the SSRN)

Daudigeos, T., Roulet, T. and Valiorgue, B. (2020) “How scandals act as catalysts of fringe stakeholders’ contentious actions against multinational corporations.” Business and Society, 59(3): 387-418 (DOI: 10.1177/0007650318756982)

de la Chaux, M. and Haugh, H. (2020) “When formal institutions impede entrepreneurship: how and why refugees establish new ventures in the Dadaab refugee camps.” Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 32(9-10): 827-851 (DOI: 10.1080/08985626.2020.1789752)

Debnath, R., Darby, S., Bardhan, R., Mohaddes, K. and Sunikka-Blank, M. (2020) “Grounded reality meets machine learning: a deep-narrative analysis framework for energy policy research.” Energy Research and Social Science, 69: 2214-6296 (DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101704)

Dimas, A. and Genakos, C. (2020) “Exploring the long-term impact of maximum markup deregulation.” Anali Pravnog Fakulteta u Beogradu, 68(4): 5-29 (DOI: 10.51204/anali_pfub_20401a)

Dimson, E., Marsh, P. and Staunton, M. (2020) “Divergent ESG ratings.” Journal of Portfolio Management, 47(1): 75-87 (DOI: 10.3905/jpm.2020.1.175)

Dimson, E., Marsh, P. and Staunton, M. (2020) “Exclusionary screening.” Journal of Impact and ESG Investing, 1(1): 66-75 (DOI: 10.3905/jesg.2020.1.1.066)

Dissanaike, G., Drobetz W. and Momtaz, P.P. (2020) “Competition policy and the profitability of corporate acquisitions.” Journal of Corporate Finance, 62: 101510 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2019.101510)

Dolphin, G., Pollitt, M. and Newbery, D. (2020) “The political economy of carbon pricing: a panel analysis.” Oxford Economic Papers, 72(2): 472-500 (DOI: 10.1093/oep/gpz042)

Drakeman, D.L. and Oraiopoulos, N. (2020) “The risk of de-risking innovation: optimal R&D strategies in ambiguous environments.” California Management Review, 62(3): 42-63 (DOI: 10.1177/0008125620915289)

Erhun, F. et al (2020) “Are cost advantages from a modern Indian hospital transferable to the United States?” American Heart Journal, 224: 148-155 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2020.04.009)

Erhun, F., Kraft, T. and Wijnsma, S. (2020) “Sustainable triple-A supply chains.” Production and Operations Management (DOI: 10.1111/poms.13306)

Faik, I., Barrett, M. and Oborn, E. (2020) “How information technology matters in societal change: an affordance-based institutional logics perspective.” MIS Quarterly, 44(3): 1359-1390 (DOI: 10.25300/MISQ/2020/14193)

Geissdoerfer, M., Pieroni, M.P.P., Pigosso, D.C.A. and Soufani, K. (2020) “Circular business models: a review.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 277: 123741 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123741)

Generoso, R., Couharde, C., Damette, O. and Mohaddes, K. (2020) “The growth effects of El Niño and La Niña: local weather conditions matter.” Annals of Economics and Statistics, 140: 83-126 (DOI: 10.15609/annaeconstat2009.140.0083)

Grimes, M.G., Williams, T.A. and Zhao, E.Y. (2020) “Beyond hybridity: accounting for the values complexity of all organizations in the study of mission and mission drift.” Academy of Management Review, 45(1): 234-238 (DOI: 10.5465/amr.2019.0209)

Habersaat, K.B., Betsch, C., Danchin, M., Sunstein, C., Bohm, R., Falk, A., Brewer, N.T., Omer, S.B., Scherzer, M., Sah, S. et al (2020) “Ten considerations for effectively managing the COVID-19 transition.” Nature Human Behaviour, 4: 677-687 (DOI: 10.1038/s41562-020-0906-x)

Hampel, C.E., Tracey, P. and Weber, K. (2020) “The art of the pivot: how new ventures manage identification relationships with stakeholders as they change direction.” Academy of Management Journal, 63(2): 440–471 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2017.0460)

Harvey, A. and Kattuman, P. (2020) “Time series models based on growth curves with applications to forecasting coronavirus.” Harvard Data Science Review, 2(Special Issue: COVID-19: Unprecedented Challenges and Chances)

Howard-Grenville, J. (2020) “How to sustain your organization’s culture when everyone is remote.” MIT Sloan Management Review, 62(1): 1-4

Howard-Grenville, J., Lahneman, B. and Pek, S. (2020) “Organizational culture as a tool for change.” Stanford Social Innovation Review, 18(3): 28-33 (DOI: 10.48558/qt3w-na41)

Howe, L.C., Whillans, A. and Menges, J.I. (2020) “How to (actually) save time when you’re working remotely.” Harvard Business Review, 24 August 2020

Hrazdil, K., Novak, J., Rogo, R., Wiedman, C. and Zhang, R. (2020) “Measuring executive personality using machine-learning algorithms: a new approach and audit fee-based validation tests.” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 47(3-4): 519-544 (DOI: 10.1111/jbfa.12406)

Ivcevic, Z., Menges, J.I. and Miller, A. (2020) “How common is unethical behavior in U.S. organizations?” Harvard Business Review, 20 March 2020

Jachimowicz, J.M., Szaszi, B., Lukas, M., Smerdon, D., Prabhu, J. and Weber, E.U. (2020) “Higher economic inequality intensifies the financial hardship of people living in poverty by fraying the community buffer.” Nature Human Behaviour, 4(Jul): 702–712 (DOI: 10.1038/s41562-020-0849-2)

Jagolinzer, A.D., Larcker, D.F., Ormazabal, G. and Taylor, D.J. (2020) “Political connections and the informativeness of insider trades.” Journal of Finance, 75(4): 1833-1876 (DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2836053)

Jiang, H., Pang, Z. and Savin, S. (2020) “Performance incentives and competition in healthcare markets.” Production and Operations Management, 29(5): 1145-1164 (DOI: 10.1111/poms.13163)

Jibril, H., Chaudhuri, K. and Mohaddes, K. (2020) “Asymmetric oil prices and trade imbalances: does the source of the oil shock matter?” Energy Policy, 137: 111000 (DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2019.111100)

KC, D.S., Scholtes, S. and Terwiesch, C. (2020) “Empirical research in healthcare operations: past research, present understanding, and future opportunities.” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 22(1):73-83 (DOI: 10.1287/msom.2019.0826)

Kenny, K., Haugh, H. and Fotaki, M. (2020) “Organizational form and pro-social fantasy in social enterprise creation.” Human Relations, 73(1): 94-123 (DOI: 10.1177/0018726718821413)

Kim, Y.J. and Kim, J. (2020) “Does negative feedback benefit (or harm) recipient creativity? The role of the direction of feedback flow.” Academy of Management Journal, 63(2): 584–612 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2016.1196)

Kim, Y.J. and Meeker, A. (2020) “A subordinate’s criticism makes you more creative.” Harvard Business Review, Mar-Apr

Kor, Y.Y., Ma, S. and Seidl, D. (2020) “Opportunities and pitfalls of advice seeking by CEOs and executives.” Harvard Business Review China, August: 132-139

Lange, R.-J., Ralph, D. and Støre, K. (2020) “Real-option valuation in multiple dimensions using Poisson optional stopping times.” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 55(2): 653-677 (DOI: 10.1017/S0022109019000048)

Lewis, P., Graça Moura, M. and Runde, J. (2020) “Ontology and the history of economic thought: an introduction.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 44(5): 981–990 (DOI: 10.1093/cje/beaa039)

Lundholm, R. and Rogo, R. (2020) “Do excessively volatile forecasts impact investors?” Review of Accounting Studies, 25(2): 636-671 (DOI: 10.1007/s11142-019-09522-y)

Ma, S., Kor, Y.Y. and Seidl, D. (2020) “CEO advice seeking: an integrative framework and future research agenda.” Journal of Management, 46(6): 771–805 (DOI: 10.1177/0149206319885430)

Mäkinen, T., Sarno, L. and Zinna, G. (2020) “Risky bank guarantees?” Journal of Financial Economics, 136(2): 490-522 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jfineco.2019.10.005)

Markusson, N., Balta-Ozkan, N., Chilvers, J., Healey, P., Reiner, D. and McLaren, D. (2020) “Social science sequestered.” Frontiers in Climate, 2 June 2020 (DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2020.00002)

Mohaddes, K. and Williams, R.J. (2020) “The adaptive investment effect: evidence from Chinese provinces.” Economics Letters, 193: 109332 (DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2020.109332)

Munir, K.A. (2020) “Challenging institutional theory’s critical credentials.” Organization Theory, 1(1) (DOI: 10.1177/2631787719887975)

Oraiopoulos, N. and Kavadias, S. (2020) “Is diversity (un)biased? Project selection decisions in executive committees.” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 22(5): 869-1106 (DOI: 10.1287/msom.2019.0782)

Ostfeld, R. and Reiner, D.M. (2020) “Public views of Scotland’s path to decarbonization: evidence from citizens’ juries and focus groups.” Energy Policy, 140: 111332 (DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111332)

Pachidi, S., Berends, H., Faraj, S. and Huysman, M. (2020) “Make way for the algorithms: symbolic actions and change in a regime of knowing.” Organization Science, 32(1): 18-41 (DOI: 10.1287/orsc.2020.1377)

Peredo, A.M., Haugh, H.M., Hudon, M. and Meyer, C. (2020) “Mapping concepts and issues in the ethics of the Commons: introduction to the special issue.” Journal of Business Ethics, 166(4): 659–672 (DOI: 10.1007/s10551-020-04584-4)

Pollitt, M.G. and Ananya, K.L. (2020) “Competition in markets for ancillary services? The implications of rising distributed generation.” The Energy Journal, 42(Special issue) (DOI: 10.5547/01956574.42.SI1.mpol)

Pozo, C., Galán-Martín, A., Reiner, D., MacDowell, N. and Guillén-Gosálbez, G. (2020) “Equity in allocating carbon dioxide removal quotas.” Nature Climate Change, 10(7): 640-646 (DOI: 10.1038/s41558-020-0802-4)

Rahaman, M.M., Rau, P.R. and Al Zaman, A. (2020) “The effect of supply chain power on bank financing.” Journal of Banking and Finance, 114: 105801 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2020.105801)

Rauch, M.S. and Ansari, S. (2020) “Serendipity and framing in the emergence of a platform for responsible innovation.” Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1) (DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.13330abstract)

Ritz, R. and Holmberg, P. (2020) “Optimal capacity mechanisms for competitive electricity markets.” Energy Journal, 41(S1) (DOI: 10.5547/01956574.42.S12.phol)

Rodner, V., Roulet, T.J., Kerrigan, F. and Vom Lehn, D. (2020) “Making space for art: a spatial perspective of disruptive and defensive institutional work in Venezuela’s art world.” Academy of Management Journal, 63(4): 1054–1081 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2016.1030)

Rouleau, L., Hällgren, M. and de Rond, M. (2020) “Covid-19 and our understanding of risk, emergencies, and crises.” Journal of Management Studies, 58(1): 243-246 (DOI: 10.1111/joms.12649)

Roulet, T. and Bothello, J. (2020) “Why ‘de-growth’ shouldn’t scare businesses.” Harvard Business Review, 14 February 2020

Roulet, T. and Laker, B. (2020) “Now is the time to reconnect with your dormant social network.” MIT Sloan Management Review, 22 April 2020

Runde, J., Lewis, P. and Graça Moura, M. (2020) “Ontology and the history of economic thought: an introduction.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 44(5): 981-990 (DOI: 10.1093/cje/beaa039)

Saffi, P.A.C. and Vergara-Alert, C. (2020) “The big short: short selling activity and predictability in house prices.” Real Estate Economics, 48(4): 1030-1073 (DOI: 10.1111/1540-6229.12219)

Sah, S. and Feiler, D. (2020) “Conflict of interest disclosure with high quality advice: the disclosure penalty and the altruistic signal.” Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 26(1): 88-104 (DOI: 10.1037/law0000215)

Stott, N. and Fava, M. (2020) “Challenging racialized institutions: a history of black and minority ethnic housing associations in England between 1948 and 2018.” Journal of Management History, 26(3): 315-333 (DOI: 10.1108/JMH-08-2019-0053)

Sunikka-Blank, M., Bardhan, R., Schupp, J., Prabhu, J. and Penz, F. (2020) “Films as source of everyday life and energy use: a case of Indian cinema.” Energy Research and Social Science, 69: 101655 (DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101655)

Tan, D., Su, W., Mahoney, J.T. and Kor, Y. (2020) “A review of research on the growth of multinational enterprises: a Penrosean lens.” Journal of International Business Studies, 51: 498-537 (DOI: 10.1057/s41267-020-00328-8)

Tang, S., Richter, A.W. and Nadkarni, S. (2020) “Subjective time in organizations: conceptual clarification, integration, and implications for future research.” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41(2): 210-234 (DOI: 10.1002/job.2421)

Walsham, G. (2020) “South-South and triangular cooperation in ICT4D.” The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 86(4): e12130 (DOI: 10.1002/isd2.12130)

Wan, F., Williamson, P., Yin, E. and Lei, L. (2020) “Is disruptive innovation in emerging economies different? Evidence from China.” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 57: 101590 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jengtecman.2020.101590)

Yin, E. (2020) “How far are Chinese brands from leading the world?” FT (Chinese), 3 July 2020

Yin, E. (2020) “How far can Chinese-style management travel in the world?” FT (Chinese), 23 December 2020

Yin, E. and Phillips, N. (2020) “Understanding value creation in cultural industries: strategies for creating and managing meaning.” Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences, 2(3): 165-180 (DOI: 10.1108/JHASS-04-2020-0053)

Zankl, J. and Grimes, M. (2020) “Shared identity, says who? How diverse organizations interact in entrepreneurial ecosystems.” Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1) (DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.10162abstract)

Zhou, W., Moncaster, A., Reiner, D.M. and Guthrie, P. (2020) “Developing a generic System Dynamics model for building stock transformation towards energy efficiency and low-carbon development.” Energy and Buildings, 224: 110246 (DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110246)

Zhou, Y., Lu, S. and Ding, M. (2020) “Contour-as-face framework: a method to preserve privacy and perception.” Journal of Marketing Research, 57(4): 617-639 (DOI: 10.1177/0022243720920256)

Amel-Zadeh, A. and Meeks, G. (eds.) (2020) Accounting for M&A: uses and abuses of accounting in monitoring and promoting merger. London: Routledge.

Dimson, E., Marsh, P. and Staunton, M. (2020) Global investment returns yearbook 2020. Zurich: Credit Suisse Research Institute.

Pollitt, M.G. (2020) Reforming the Chinese electricity supply sector: lessons from global experience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Radjou, N. and Prabhu, J. (2020) Do better with less: frugal innovation for sustainable growth. London: Penguin.

Roulet, T.J. (2020) The power of being divisive: understanding negative social evaluations. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Shuckburgh, E., Zenghelis, D., Agarwala, M., Diaz Anadon, L., Howard-Grenville, J., Penasco, C., Seega, N., Whittington, E., Barford, A., Brayne, C. et al (2020) A blueprint for a green future: multidisciplinary report on a green recovery from COVID-19 by the Cambridge Zero Policy Forum. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage.

Tuveson, M., Ralph, D. and Alexander, K. (eds.) (2020) Beyond bad apples: risk culture in business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Williamson, P.J. and De Meyer, A. (2020) Ecosystem edge: sustaining competitiveness in the face of disruption. Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books.

Chudik, A., Pesaran, M.H. and Mohaddes, K. (2020) “Identifying global and national output and fiscal policy shocks using a GVAR.” In: Pesaran, M.H., Li, T. and Terrell, D. (eds.) Advances in econometrics: vol.41: essays in honor of Cheng Hsiao. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp.143-190

Doherty, B., Haugh, H. and Lyon, F. (2020) “Strategic management tensions in hybrid organisations.” In: Billis, D. and Rochester, C. (eds.) Handbook on hybrid organisations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.237-250

Hadida, A. (2020) “Event cinema.” In: Towse, R. and Navarrete Hernandez, T. (eds.) Handbook of cultural economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 3rd edition, pp.254-261

Haugh, H. (2020) “Community interest companies.” In: List, R.A., Anheier, H.K. and Toepler, S. (eds.) Encyclopaedia of civil society. Online: Springer, living edition. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99675-2_9522-1)

Haugh, H. and Brady, A. (2020) “Community perspectives on social entrepreneurship.” In: Teasdale, S. and de Bruin, M. (eds.) Research agenda for social entrepreneurship. London: Routledge, pp.67-81. (DOI: 10.4337/9781788972321.00011)

Howard-Grenville, J. (2020) “Individual agency and collective patterns of action.” In: Tuveson, M., Ralph, D. and Alexander, K. (eds.) Beyond bad apples: risk culture in business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.21-41 (DOI: 10.1017/9781316996959.002)

Huybrechts, B., Rijpens, J., Soetens, A. and Helen Haugh, H. (2020) “Building legitimacy for hybrid organisations.” In: Billis, D. and Rochester, C. (eds.) Handbook on hybrid organisations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.407-422

Kavadias, S. and Ladas, K. (2020) “Rethinking risk management cultures in organisations: insights from innovation.” In: Tuveson, M., Ralph, D. and Alexander, K. (eds.) Beyond bad apples: risk culture in business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.103-138 (DOI: 10.1017/9781316996959.005)

Kim, Y.J., McRuer, G. and Hirsh, J.B. (2020) “Creativity in the workplace.” In: Carducci, B.J. (ed.) The Wiley encyclopedia of personality and individual differences: vol.iv: Clinical, applied, and cross-cultural research. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, pp.465-470

Reiner, D.M. (2020) “The political economy of carbon capture and storage.” In: Bui, M. and Mac Dowell, N. (eds.) Carbon capture and storage. London: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp.536-558

Taylor, S. (2020) “How will the Belt and Road Initiative be financed?” In: De Cremer, D., McKern, B. and McGuire, J. (eds.) The Belt and Road Initiative: opportunities and challenges of a Chinese economic ambition. London: Sage, pp.319-343

Tuveson, M., Ralph, D. and Alexander, K. (2020) “Introduction.” In: Tuveson, M., Ralph, D. and Alexander, K. (eds.) Beyond bad apples: risk culture in business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.1-18 (DOI: 10.1017/9781316996959.001)

Tuveson, M. and Ralph, D. (2020) “A network view of tone at the top and the role of opinion leaders.” In: Tuveson, M., Ralph, D. and Alexander, K. (eds.) Beyond bad apples: risk culture in business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.73-102 (DOI: 10.1017/9781316996959.004)

Tuveson, M., Ralph, D. and Alexander, K. (2020) “Conclusion.” In: Tuveson, M., Ralph, D. and Alexander, K. (eds.) Beyond bad apples: risk culture in business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.271-275 (DOI: 10.1017/9781316996959.010)

Williamson, P. (2020) “Realizing the potential of the Belt and Road Initiative: what role for M&A?” In: De Cremer, D., McKern, B. and McGuire, J. (eds.) The Belt and Road Initiative: opportunities and challenges of a Chinese economic ambition. London: Sage, pp.221-235

Yin, E. (2020) “Promoting the Belt and Road Initiative: a strategic marketing approach.” In: De Cremer, D., McKern, B. and McGuire, J. (eds.) The Belt and Road Initiative: opportunities and challenges of a Chinese economic ambition. London: Sage, pp.344-364

Benbya, H., Davenport, T.H. and Pachidi, S. (2020) “Artificial intelligence in organizations: current state and future opportunities.” MIS Quarterly Executive, 19(4)

Peredo, A.M., Haugh, H., Hudon, M. and Meyer, C. (eds.) (2020) “Special issue on mapping concepts and issues in the ethics of the commons.” Journal of Business Ethics, 166(4) (DOI: 10.1007/s10551-020-04584-4)

Runde, J., Lewis, P. and Graça Moura, M. (eds.) (2020) “Special issue on ontology and the history of economic thought.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 44(5)
