Our major capstone project forms part of the practical application of concepts built up on the programme:


During Lent and Easter terms you undertake a final capstone project in groups of 3 or more students. The final group project (FGP), which is double weighted, is linked to Cambridge Judge Business School’s subject groups and is based on work with a public or private technology-intensive organisation.

Assessment is via a 12,000 word final report produced under faculty supervision and a final presentation to the client organisation.

You will be asked to submit 2 peer evaluation forms, one at the beginning of your work and one at the end, to the academic supervisor. Feedback from your peers as well as that of the client organisation may be taken into consideration when marking the presentations.

Cambridge students walking down the street.

Please note that the details and timing of individual components of the programme may vary from year to year.

All prospective students are required to sign a copy of our standard Cambridge Judge Business School General Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement and agree to our MPhil in Technology Policy Final Group Project Terms.

Host a project

Could your company benefit from an international team of bright, motivated and committed students focusing on a real-world challenge that might not otherwise have had the time or resource to tackle?

Visit the Student Consultancy Projects webpages to learn more about working with us, and to submit a project proposal.

Learn about project hosting