From MPhil to a career at the forefront of science and technology governance
At Cambridge Judge, we are here to help you transition into a rewarding career and as an MPhil in Technology Policy student, you will have the access you need to the University of Cambridge’s leading careers service.
Take advantage of the career services and opportunities on offer and make the best of your MPhil in Technology Policy experience.
Career outcomes
The impressive range of positions our MPhil in Technology Policy graduates go on to secure reflects the diversity of our students and their interests.
Many of our graduates gain employment at consultancies including McKinsey, Deloitte, PwC, EY, Accenture, BCG, medium-sized consultancies, such as PA Consulting or Analysis Mason, and boutique consultancies that are specialists in IT, logistics or energy.
Alumni join financial sector firms, such as Standard Chartered Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland or JP Morgan, as well as development banks, such as the Korea Development Bank and the Indian National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.
Others work directly for their national government, while many MPhil graduates choose to work in large multinational firms in the ICT, energy, as well as international organisations, health care, infrastructure, design, legal, media, transport and aerospace, NGOs and technology startups. Typical firms employing our graduates include Google, Microsoft, Shell, Engie, Novartis, Alibaba, Lenovo and GE.
Students also find employment in international agencies or multilateral banks such as the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Asian Development Bank, the United Nations system, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the International Energy Agency.
Some of our graduates go on to further graduate work either immediately or after several years, to doctoral studies in economics, innovation, engineering, as well as professional studies such as law and MBAs or PhDs in pure and applied sciences.
Although, the vast majority of alumni go to work at large firms, some of our MPhil graduates are inspired by the entrepreneurship ethos that pervades Cambridge. Many of our students get involved in the Cambridge University Technology and Enterprise Club (CUTEC), Cambridge Entrepreneurs and the Venture Capital & Private Equity Club. In so doing, they get to experience the Cambridge Cluster first hand.

In my role I use many of the skills learned in the MPhil in Technology Policy to assess the value of new technologies that can help us reach higher levels of wind and solar power.”
Where do you see yourself?
Consultancy, finance, government, ICT, energy, health care, infrastructure, transport, an NGO, a tech startup or somewhere else? The MPhil in Technology Policy opens a world of options.
Although not intended to be comprehensive, the table generally lists those firms and organisations that have employed the greatest number of our graduates. For example, McKinsey is the consultancy, which has employed the most graduates and Shell is the largest employer among the energy firms.
- Singapore Economic Development Board
- French Government
- US Army/Navy
- Korean Ministry of Information & Communications
- Chinese Ministry of Science & Technology
- Economic Affairs Government of Macedonia
- METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan
- Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Japanese Government
- Industry Canada
- British High Commission, Delhi
- Croatian Agency for Investments & Competitiveness
- Khazanah Nasional Bhd (Malaysia)
- Korea Development Bank
- US Senate Office
- Colombian Bank of Foreign Trade
- Ministry of Education, Morocco
- Carbon Trust
- French Finance Ministry
- Chinese State Information Centre
- Austrian Federal Chancellery
- Singapore Public Service Division
- Department of Biotechnology, Government of India
- JP Morgan
- Merrill Lynch
- Societe General
- Morgan Stanley
- Sanford Bernstein
- Deutsche Bank
- Securities & Exchange Board of India
- BNP Paribas
- American Express
- Rothschild
- Elpedison Trading
- Goldman Sachs
- EDF Trading
- Citic Bank
- CCB International (China)
- Blackrock
- Gimv
- Veritas Asset
- Management
- McKinsey
- Accenture
- Deloitte
- Bain
- Roland Berger
- Analysis Mason
- PA Consulting
- PwC
- Oakland Innovation
- Booz & Co
- Cartesian
- NineSigma
- Ernst & Young
- Carbone4
- RAND Corp
- McChrystal Group
- Cambridge Enterprise
- University of Cambridge
- Stanford University
- University of California at Berkeley
- Imperial College
- Harvard University
- University College London
- University of Chicago
- London School of Economics
- Carnegie-Mellon
- Oxford University
- New York University
- Birkbeck College, University of London
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- University of Stellenbosch
- The Open University
- Duke University
- Shell
- GDF-Suez
- Total
- Areva
- GE Power & Water
- BP
- SN Power
- RWE npower
- E.on
- Energy Technologies Inst
- Siemens
- Schlumberger
- Rolls Royce
- Endesa
- USAid
- Commonwealth
- Secretariat
- European Space Agency
- Delegation of European
- Union to India
- European Commission
- Microsoft
- Ztesoft
- Lenovo
- HP
- Telus
- Multimedia Devpt Corp
- Maxis
- Telekom Malaysia
- Korea Telecom
- T-Mobile
- Polska Telefonia
- Safaricom
- Yahoo
- Intel
- Wataniya Mobile
- Legend Holdings
- Cisco Systems
- Telenor Group
- Skype
- Crowdsurfer
- Juniper Networks
- CMS Cameron McKenna
- Goulston & Storrs
- Cabinet Regimbeau
- Mathys & Squire
- Teach for America
- Women’s Learning Partnership
- Renewable Northwest
- Halcrow
- Vinci
- Thales
- adpi
- TÜV Rheinland
- Sanofi
- Novartis
- UnitedHealth Group
- UCLA Medical School
- Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, Government of India
- Terra Alpha Investments
- BBC World Service
- citi T
- Thomson Reuters
- Insurance
- Professional rugby
- Numerous entrepreneurs/startups
Innovation and technological progress is the key engine of growth in the globalised economy. However, technological change needs capability of policy makers and entrepreneurs. In my client countries in Eastern Europe, many have already utilised the skills and knowledge learnt in the Cambridge Technology Policy programme in creating a national innovation system unique to those countries.
Your career support
We can help you whether you have no decided plan for what to do after Cambridge, a few ideas or a clear idea.

Careers Service platform
The University of Cambridge Careers Service platform provides you with access to: 1-to-1 guidance consultations, booking your spot-on workshops and briefings, careers fairs and employer presentations.

Career Essentials programme
The University of Cambridge Career Essentials programme provides a selection of sessions, offering you the opportunity to access career and recruitment advice you need.

Recruitment events
The Careers Services at the University of Cambridge organise recruitment events that attract major global companies, who are keen to hire from the talent pool assembled in Cambridge, and offer you excellent networking opportunities.
Visit the University’s Careers Service website to find out more
Please note that your future job prospects may be determined by your academic performance and primarily by your proactive engagement with the University’s Careers Service. The Careers Service will do its best to help you find a job, but neither the University nor Cambridge Judge can guarantee this.