The Centre has a number of research fellows consisting of academic staff at Cambridge Judge Business School and other prominent universities. The Centre will also select a number of advisory board members who make significant contribution to the research. The benefactors of the Cambridge Centre for Chinese Management will also be formally acknowledged.
Christoph H Loch
Professor of Management Studies
PhD (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
Peter Williamson
Honorary Professor of International Management
PhD (Harvard University)
Eden Yin
Associate Professor in Marketing
PhD (University of Southern California)
Nancy Zhang
Co-founder of TQ capital
Honorary President of JD Foundation
Nancy Zhang is an investor and business advisor in China. She is the co-founder of TQ capital, a family office that focuses on investments in both private and public markets. As the Global Brand Advisor of fashion division, Ms Zhang helps with its business development and strategic partnerships around the world.
Ms Zhang is also the Honorary President of JD Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to education, poverty relief, and sustainability. Initiated’s donations to different universities to support several investment projects in education, also founded several schools to improve Education Resources.
Ms Zhang holds a bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua University and an MBA degree from Cambridge Judge Business School.
Yubo Chen
Coca-Cola Chair Professor of Marketing, Tsinghua University
Professor Yubo Chen is Coca-Cola Chair Professor of Marketing, and Director of Center for Internet Development and Governance at School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. He received his Ph. D. in Business Administration from the University of Florida. Before joining Tsinghua, he was a tenured professor at Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, USA. Prof. Chen’s main research areas include digital markets, digital economy and digital transformation of Chinese economy, and climate change and sustainability strategy. He has published extensively in top academic journals in marketing, management and information science. Professor Chen is also a recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars from the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2013.
Ying Zhang
Boya Professor in Marketing and Behavioral Science, Peking University
Professor Ying Zhang is now a Boya Professor in Marketing and Behavioral Science at Peking University, Associate Dean at the Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management and the Director of Peking University Management Case Study Center. Professor Zhang received his PhD from the University of Chicago, and is a frequent contributor to top-tier academic journals in management, marketing and psychology. Professor Zhang’s research interests focus on Chinese firm’s competitive strategy and brand’s growth trajectory in a digital environment.
Xiaobo Wu
Changjiang Chair Professor in Management and Innovation, Zhejiang University
Professor Xiaobo Wu is currently the Dean for the Faculty of Social Sciences, the
director of National Institute for Innovation Management (NIIM), the director of the Zhejiang University-Cambridge University Joint Research Center for Global Manufacturing and Innovation Management and Ruihua Institute for Innovation Management. He also serves as a board member and the vice-president of the Central, East European and Middle Asian Network on Management Development Association (CEEMAN), a member of Global Future Council, and the Executive Vice President of International Council for Small Business (ICSB) China. Professor Wu has published over 300 academic papers and over 30 books in the areas of management and innovation.



尹教授在美国南加州大学马歇尔商学院获得商业管理博士学位。现为剑桥大学嘉治商学院企管和营销系副教授及剑桥大学圣埃德蒙学院院士。他在嘉治商学院主讲MBA和EMBA的核心课程并参与多个高管培训项目。其研究领域是企业品牌战略,创新战略和发展中国家企业国际化战略。他的研究曾发表于顶级学术期刊如市场科学,市场研究期刊,国际市场学期刊及麻省理工斯隆管理评论。尹教授曾在多个国家如美国,澳大利亚,芬兰,丹麦,巴西,阿根廷及中国内地教授过MBA,EMBA及高管培训课程。他也曾为欧洲及英国多家企业,如捷豹路虎(Jaguar and Land Rover)等做过战略咨询。

TQ capital联合创始人,京东公益基金会荣誉理事长
章泽天女士专注于投资和商业咨询领域,联合创立TQ Capital,多年来深耕于私人企业及公开市场投资,曾主导多支基金以及直投项目的投前和投后管理。任京东时尚全球品牌拓展顾问,协助京东平台引入多家奢侈品品牌,推动京东时尚与全球多家时尚组织建立战略合作关系。时任京东公益基金会荣誉理事长,发起并参与多项公益活动,致力于教育、扶贫及可持续发展;曾多次牵头为清华大学、中国人民大学等学校捐款,支持高校发展及京东与高校各项目的合作研究。推动南京外国语学校仙林分校落户宿迁,助力基础教育均衡发展。


