The purpose of this important announcement is to explain to you the ways in which we store and use your data when you agree to join our participant recruitment platform. Our most important aim is to ensure that any personal data you give us is stored securely and used exclusively for the purposes of scientific research. Your data are not made available to unauthorised third parties and you have the right to request us to remove your data from our system at any time.

The Cambridge Experimental and Behavioural Economics Laboratory (CEBEG) complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the UK Data Protection Act, 2018 (DPA). All data held by CEBEG or processed on our behalf will be treated in compliance with this legislation.

What is the purpose and legal basis for CEBEG to process your data?

We will use the personal data you provide to carry out academic research in the public interest.

What data do we collect and what will it be used for?

The data we collect includes your name, gender, email address, telephone number, education data. All data is collected on a consensual basis and used for the legitimate interests of The University of Cambridge to carry out academic research to drive real world impact.

Your name, email address, and phone number may be used to identify you on this website. Individual researchers within CEBEG may also use your details to contact you about taking part in specific research projects. Your data may also be used to select participants for specific research projects, for example some projects may require participants with a particular education background.

Individual researchers may request to use your personal data for specific purposes within their own studies. In this case, they will explain the additional ways in which they wish to use your data in a participant information sheet.

Where will my data be kept and who has access to it?

Your data will be available to researchers within CEBEG. We will restrict access to your data to those researchers who need it in order to conduct their research (for example to contact you).

Your personal information will not be disclosed to any other third parties or external organisation. Your data will not be disclosed to state authorities or institutions unless required to do so by UK law.

How long will my data be kept for?

Should you decide that you no longer wish to be a member of the recruitment platform please inform us at this address:

Should you no longer wish to participate, all personally identifiable information held about you will be immediately deleted from the database and the SONA system, unless you have taken part in studies, in which case some details will be kept for auditing purposes

In addition, we will contact you 5 years after you last took part in a study to see whether you would like to remain on the platform. If you confirm a wish to leave, or we do not manage to contact you, your personal information will be deleted to protect your privacy.

Data Controller

Under the terms of the Data Protection Act 2018 the Data Controller responsible for holding the personally identifiable data you provide when registering as a volunteer is the University of Cambridge. Read the University of Cambridge’s privacy notice for research participants.


Your Internet browser has the in-built facility for storing small files called “cookies” that hold information which allows a website to recognise your account. This website takes advantage of this facility to enhance your experience. You always have the ability to prevent your computer from accepting cookies.

Children’s privacy

This site is not open to children. This site does not knowingly collect personal data from children.

Confidentiality and security

CEBEG has implemented security policies and technical measures to protect the personal data under its control from unauthorised access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorised modification, and unlawful destruction or accidental loss. All employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of visitors’ personal data.

Your rights

Under the terms of the GDPR and DPA, you may request access to personal data that we hold about you, request that personal data we hold is erased or rectified, or object to your data being processed. While we will always try to comply with these requests, GDPR and DPA do allow exemptions to these rights under certain conditions (eg as set out in Article 89 of GDPR, or Schedule 2, part 6 of the Data Protection Bill), and we may occasionally need to invoke these exemptions if it is important for our research.

Contact information

You must acknowledge and agree to these terms before you may use the system. If you have any questions you should contact Johanna Croton, Experimental Lab Manager via email at before you acknowledge the agreement.
