32 items listed, ordered by date.
1. Extract from Country Casuals Annual reports 1992/3.
Extract outlines the role of non-executive directors and committees within the board of directors.
Advises all Stock Exchange-listed companies, USM companies and Yellow Book subscribers that they should report compliance with the Cadbury Code for the first financial report filed after 30 June 1993.
3. Publications on internal control, financial reporting, going concern and a survey of compliance.
These publications aim to provide background, guidance or give an overview of the response to the report.
4. Letter from Jonathan Charkham, 21 January 1993 and print-out from a newspaper database.
Letter discusses publication (of what?)
Comments on: responsibilities of nominaton committees and their formation as standing or ad hoc committees; length of directors’ contracts; guidance on access to independent professional advice.
Sections included are: Board performance reviews; Borad health check; Career resume.
Consists of the agenda and supporting papers on monitoring the Committee’s recommendations and the Code of Best Practice. Guidance to companies on interpretation of the report and code of best practice. The file also includes the agenda and supporting papers for sub-committee meeting held on 31 March 1993 and supporting papers, Terms of Reference, factors to consider when monitoring compliance, summaries of organisations known to have the capability to monitor compliance with the code and extracts from their work.
8. Typescript of an article [for the] Company director magazine by Sir Adrian Cadbury, 12 April 1993
Item reports on the Code of Best Practice.
9. Letters, dated April and May 1993 and supporting papers.
Correspondence regarding corporate governance in private practice professional body and review of partnership board structure.
Includes table assessing the NHS with respect to the Cadbury Committee recommendations.
Reports the results of a survey of reactions to the Cadbury recommendations. See context in CAD-02269.
Includes the agenda for the meeting and supporting papers on directors’ pension contributions, non-executive directors contracts, going concern and financial reporting and the Stock Exchange implementation of the Cadbury Code. Also included is note of the key points arising from a meeting between Martin Scicluna, Martyn Jones and Sir Adrian Cadbury on 22 April 1993.
13. Fax from Gina Cole to Sir Adrian Cadbury about disclosure of directors’ earnings, 11 June 1993.
The fax seems to be largely extracts from the 1989 Companies Act.
14. Correspondence with Mr Ross Goobey, June 1993 concerning directors’ contracts.
Correspondence centres on ‘somewhat fudge’ remark by ARG in connection with Cadbury Committee and directors’ contracts.
There is draft guidance on compliance with the Code of Best Practice and also guidance on the topic issued in December 1993. In July 1993 the APB issued a draft for comment on reviewing interim financial information.
Letter comments on the confusion between executive/non-executive directors, their independence and how that is counted if they are also Chairman.
In addition to enclosing draft guidance on corporate governance for consultation, the letter asks if the proposed acknowledgement is acceptable.
18. Letter, 3 September 1993, and copy of article by Dr Sadtler on the board in corporate strategy.
The paper appeared in Long Range Planning vol. 26(4), p112-113.
19. Letter, dated 7 September 1993, from Dermot de Trafford, Institute of Directors.
Author sends his comments on agenda items for Committee meeting, namely, 1 – extending the Code to large private companies, including extending the Code to smaller listed companies and comments on terminology for executive and non-executive directors.
The file also includes a copy of CAD-01327. It seems the documents for the 9 September meeting were sent out with copies of Coopers & Lybrarnd report (CAD-01327), the Auditing Practices Board drafts ‘Disclosure relating to corporate governance & interim financial, the Working Party on Internal Control document on guidance for directors information and accompanying letter.
21. Minutes of Committee meeting held on 9 September 1993.
Matters reported include extending the application of the Code to large private companies, and possible extension to smaller companies, progress of monitoring sub-committee and their work, rolling contracts, terminology for directors.
22. Typescript of a speech Effective boards, 16 September 1993.
Speech about effective boards in NHS, part of which seems to have been used for another meeting.
The handwritten notes seem to be aide-memoires.
24. Letter, dated 1 October 1993, from Sir Timothy Harford.
Letter asks for Sir Adrian’s help to lobby for consistent tax treatment of D & O insurance policies (applies to non-executive directors).
The paper sets out the many recent reforms in financial reporting and auditing practices. It supports the Cadbury proposals but calls for more coordination and consistency between the various bodies with a role in financial reporting and auditing.
This refers to the wording in reports and accounts about Directors’ responsibilities as mention in the Code of Best Practice. Also included is the text of an article for the Law Society’s Gazette.
This report covers medium-sized companies as opposed to the July report covering the top 200.
In addition to the supporting doucments for the meeting it contains the minutes of the meeting.
This is the keynote address which summarises the Code of Best Practice and records a question and answer section, to the Canadian Institute of Corporate Directors.
30. Correspondence up 11 December 1992 with Gavin Burnett and David Lewis, Molyneux Estates.
Peace gives pointers concerning points raised: audit and remuneration committees and application of the Code to smaller companies.
31. Letter from Martin Chester, 20 December 1993, about article in Law Society Gazette.
The 3 November article in Law Society Gazette and its interpretation.
32. Letter, dated 31 December 1993, from JJ Goodman, Guarantee Equity & Management.
Concentrates on the experiences, including exposure to legal actions, of non-executive directors.