20 items listed, ordered by date.

1. Letter, 19 January 1995 from Gina [Cole] with letter from Maurice Gillbrand, 28 October 1994.

Gina’s letter comments on a Submission to the Commons select committee on employment and Maurice Gillbrand’s proposal for a Shareholders’ Advisory Committee. It also refers to an Evening Standard article which requires action.

2. Letter from Donald Bulcher(?), 28 January 1995, apologising.

Letter apologises and clarifies meaning before finalising content of book being compiled by London Guidlhall University.

3. Corporate governance seminar [organised by Smith New Court?]speech, 6 February 1995.

Handwritten notes, headed Corporate Governance Seminar Solihull, for first four pages, with the remainder seeming to be part of a speech given on 16 Sep 1993.

4. Letter, dated 21 February 1995, from Alan MacDougall, PIRC, and reply from Sir Adrian Cadbury, 9 March 1995, to Anne Simpson, PIRC.

Contains arrangements for AC to speak at PIRC conference and guidance on ‘independence ‘ of directors and its relationship with compliance with the Code.

5. Fax, dated 21 February 1995, to Sir Adrian Cadbury.

Mentions arrangements for OECD, and query about independence of directors.

6. Letter, dated 22 February 1995, and meeting note from SW Treadgold, Financial Reporting Council.

Meeting concerns the need for a successor committee, who will sponsor it, including dealing with remit, membership and financing.

7. Agenda, dated 2 March 1995, for meeting on 7 March, including minutes of the previous meeting and supporting papers.

Includes PIRC’s request for the Committee to define ‘independence’ of non-executive directors. A paper about the publication of the monitoring report is also included.

8. Memo and briefing for Chairman for Committee Meeting 7 March 1995, dated 3 March 1995.

Mentions a request for Sir Adrian Cadbury to speak in Liverpool, articles appearing in the FT on 27 February 1995, and meeting with DTI on 7 March.

9. Brief breakdown of the Committee’s income and expenditure, June 1991 to May 1995.

Notes the percentage spent on salaries, public relations, research and other requirements.

10. Letter from [Owen Green], dated 28 March 1995.

Letter apologises for a comment about the Cadbury proposals and makes a suggestion for the future.

11. Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 7 March 1995.

Topics covered include: successor body, independence of directors and the draft report on monitoring.

12. Letter, 27 April 1995, from Anne Simpson, PIRC.

Letter indicates PIRC is amending wording in its documents with respect to director independence and also advising on actions re executive remuneration policy.

13. Press briefing 24 May 1995, question and answer brief for the Chairman.

The document gives answers to expected questions ranging from Stock Exchange listing rules, Greenbury committee, successor body, research, compliance with the code of best practice, non-executive directors.

14. Letter, 31 May 1995, from Viscount Weir.

Letter comments on PIRC’s concern about re-election of non-executive directors.

15. Minutes of meeting at the Stock Exchange, 1 June 1995.

Minutes of a meeting held to resolve apparent confusion about the Stock Exchange listing rules and the Code of Best Practice. The press line is to target specific areas of compliance rather than a blanket approach.

16. Memo, dated 6 June 1995, to Committee members with handwritten notes by Sir Adrian Cadbury.

Reports the meeting at the Stock Exchange with Michael Lawrence and John Kemp Welch.

17. Letter, 14 June 1995, from Patrick Mileham, University of Paisley and proposal for a Chartered College of Directors.

Includes an outline proposal for a Chartered College of Directors.

18. Letter, 21 July 1995, from Guy Dehn, Public Concern at Work and and introductory note on Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection Bill).

Sir Adrian’s views are sought on proposed regulation to protect whistleblowers.

19. Letter, dated 14 August 1995, from Nigel Peace, DTI.

Letter discusses prosposed amendments to the Stock Exchange listing rules and its aim to establish itself as an effective regulator.

20. File contains mainly press notices and articles from late 1995.

Also included are some responses to a questionnaire seeking opinions on topics for review.
