Bespoke naming opportunities


By naming a space in the Addenbrooke’s building you would support the education and development of future business leaders at Cambridge Judge through teaching, research and deep engagement with our global network of supporters.

Interested in exploring naming opportunities?

To discuss naming opportunities, please contact the Development Team.

Email the development team

Incoming Dean Gishan Dissanaike with donor David Lenihan (EMBA 2016).

Where would your name feature?

The following spaces in the Business School are available for naming.

Enquire about naming opportunities

Lecture Theatre 1.
Opera boxes.

Lecture theatre 1

Name the iconic Lecture Theatre.

Largest seminar / meeting rooms

Located on the second and fourth floors.

From £400,000

Smaller seminar / meeting rooms

Located on the fourth and sixth floors.

From £75,000

Large study space

Located on the sixth floor.


Large opera boxes

Located on the third and fifth floors.


Small opera boxes

Small opera boxes located on second, third and fourth floors.

