Pursue your passion for finance
Combine advanced study with research on our intensive 9-month masters programme and prepare for a PhD in Finance or an industry career. 6 core courses, 3 electives, project and coursework make up the MPhil in Finance curriculum. Lectures with world-leading faculty, peer-to-peer interaction and classroom discussions on theoretical and empirical finance research make the Cambridge learning experience truly stimulating.
During the programme, you will:
- gain statistical, mathematical and other skills needed to conduct research in your chosen field
- learn to independently study, analyse and critique academic literature
- sharpen your public speaking skills, by engaging in individual and group presentations

Programme outline
Preparatory Maths & Statistics
You will start your MPhil by completing the online pre-course in mathematical and statistical methods in September before the academic year begins in October. This pre-course is mandatory and if you don’t take it, you will not be admitted to the MPhil programme.
Your learning experience
Engage with faculty across Finance, Economics and Mathematics. Learn through inspiring weekly lectures, research seminars, independent reading and hands-on research. If you choose to write a dissertation, you will also enjoy one-to-one supervision with a Cambridge Judge faculty member.
Study alongside and learn from an international cohort of classmates. Depending on your course choices, you will share some of your classes with other students on the MPhil in Economics, the Master of Finance, the MPhil in Statistical Science, or Part III of the Maths Tripos.
You will be assessed by written examination, essay, or coursework, depending upon the nature of the particular course you take. Each course carries the same weighting towards the final mark.
Continuing to PhD
If you’re planning on continuing to a PhD at Cambridge Judge, you will need to follow the Finance PhD pathway. You must achieve 70% or more overall and find a committed supervisor during your MPhil year from the Business School’s faculty. Applicants will also be interviewed in mid-January by the PhD Admissions Committee, made up of faculty members, and will need to be ranked sufficiently highly to receive a conditional offer.
Core courses
Build your finance knowledge with our core courses. You will take 6 core courses, covering topics like corporate finance and asset pricing, among others.
Delve deep into finance with our elective courses. You will choose 3 electives from a number of modules offered by Cambridge Judge Business School, the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Mathematics.

It may be possible for students to offer a dissertation in place of 3 taught elective modules. This is subject to the approval of the Degree Committee, Programme Director and Head of the Finance subject group, as well as the availability of a supervisor.
Students interested in continuing to the Business School’s PhD programme, either at the end of the MPhil or after a gap year, are strongly encouraged to take taught modules only, and may only take the dissertation option if they have had sufficient prior research training.
Financial databases
Members of the School have access to the following financial databases:*
- Bloomberg
- Capital IQ + Capital IQ Pro (S&P)
- Compustat (via WRDS)
- CRSP (via WRDS)
- DataStream (via Eikon)
- Eikon
- EMIS DealWatch
- Eventus (via WRDS)
- Execucomp (via WRDS)
- FitchConnect
- Investext
- ISS (via WRDS)
- Markit CDS (via WRDS)
- Mergent FISD (via WRDS)
- Mergent Online
- Mergent Intellect
- MSCI ESG Intangible Value Assessment
- MSCI GMI Ratings (via WRDS)
- Option Metrics (via WRDS)
- Orbis
- TRACE (via WRDS)
* Information correct as of September 2023.