Our approach to X
The @CambridgeJBS X account is managed by the Digital Marketing team, on behalf of the wider Business School community.
If you follow us, you can expect between 15-25 tweets a week covering subjects such as:
- alerts about new press releases, news items, podcasts (expert comment and guest speakers) and videos on our website and other digital media channels
- information about events at the School that are open to the alumni community and the general public
- invitations to provide feedback
- information from our programme and admissions
- live coverage of significant events
- information on media coverage
We update and monitor our X account during office hours of 09:00-17:00, Monday to Friday.
The Business School does not automatically follow new followers, and being followed back does not imply endorsement of any kind.
@Replies and direct messages
Cambridge Judge is founded on an ethos of collaboration and we actively engage in conversation with other X users. We cannot however guarantee to reply to all messages, although we will engage in conversation wherever possible.
All @Replies and Direct Messages are read and will be passed on to the appropriate party in the Business School to offer them the opportunity to engage.
Our use of X offers an immediate way of connecting with us, but is an addition to our other contact details, which should be considered the route for official correspondence.