Student consultancy projects


Access an exceptional talent pool and see your organisation benefit from fresh insights, total commitment and intellectual rigour. A cornerstone of our curriculum offering, consultancy projects with partnering organisations give students an invaluable opportunity to tackle a challenging management issue. 

Cambridge Judge Business School attracts the highest calibre of students to its world-class programmes. Applying leading-edge knowledge and frameworks to real problems for real clients, our students have earned an enviable reputation for delivering outstanding results. 

Explore our student consultancy projects:

MBA student projects

MFin student projects

MPhils and Tripos student projects

Key project dates and deadlines

Please review the key project dates and submit your proposal by the listed deadlines.

See project dates and deadlines

MBA consultancy projects

The Cambridge MBA is a one-year general management programme producing ambitious, adaptable and innovative leaders able to work across multiple disciplines and cultures. Skilled at managing change, creative problem-solving and improving performance, our MBA students represent more than 45 countries and have an average of 6 years’ work experience.

MBA Cambridge Venture Project (CVP)

  • When: 6 weeks part-time from October to December
  • Proposal deadline: 2025 dates to be confirmed

Submit a project proposal

  • Hands-on, team-based engagement for 6-7 students working for a local business and addressing a specific, tangible market research need
  • Ideal for organisations with limited resources to gain fresh, objective market research evaluations
  • Projects typically look at financial, strategic and marketing implications of new products or ventures
  • Students present their findings and recommendations to the client at Cambridge Judge
  • Previous project partners include Emmaus Enterprises, Skin Analytics, Weedingtech, Sentec, Ubisense

Learn more about the MBA CVP

For further details on MBA CVP project, please contact:

Sadia Cuthbert
Head of Careers
Cambridge Judge Business School
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1AG

+44 (0)1223 768387

MBA Global Consulting Project (GCP)

  • When: 4 weeks full-time from mid-March to mid-April
  • Proposal deadline: 8 January 2025

Submit a project proposal

  • Hands-on, team-based engagement for 4-6 students working to address an important management issue for your organisation
  • Students can consider any and all aspects of management from any commercial, industrial, public sector or not-for-profit organisation, either in the UK or abroad
  • Previous projects have included strategic reviews, benchmarking and best practice analysis, diversification assessments and new market strategies
  • Previous organisations have come from Europe, Australia, Latin America, China, South Korea, Russia and North America and included consultancies, multinationals, charities, investment and commercial banks, and Cambridge-based technology companies

Learn more about the MBA GCP

For further details on MBA GCP project, please contact:

Sadia Cuthbert
Head of Careers
Cambridge Judge Business School
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1AG

+44 (0)1223 768387

MBA Individual Project and Work Placement (IP/WP)

  • When: 6 to 8 weeks full-time between July and September
  • Proposal deadline: 24 May 2024

Submit a project proposal

  • Optional Individual Project (IP) which can be linked to an individual consultancy or research project for an outside organisation OR a company-based Work Placement (WP) or internship
  • Students negotiate a brief directly with your organisation in an area of particular interest
  • Recent projects include a product extension strategy for a financial services company, an analysis of the US railway sector, a branding strategy for a national retailer and derivatives modelling – this is often a paid project

Learn more about the MBA IP/WP

For further details on MBA IP/WP project, please contact:

Sadia Cuthbert
Head of Careers
Cambridge Judge Business School
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1AG

+44 (0)1223 768387

Master of Finance consultancy projects

The Master of Finance (MFin) is a one-year post-experience degree for ambitious finance professionals. Our Master of Finance’s highly international cohort has a minimum of 2 years post-graduation finance work experience. 

MFin Group Consulting Project (GCP)

  • When: 4 weeks full-time from mid-March to mid-April
  • Proposal deadline: 2025 dates to be confirmed

Submit a project proposal

  • A collaboration between your organisation and an international team of 5 to 6 bright, driven and highly-skilled young finance professionals
  • Students address a real business issue exploring any aspect of finance, either within the financial services industry, or for non-financial organisations
  • Recent project examples include financial strategy reviews, benchmarking and best practice analysis, market analysis of launching a new PE fund in China, analysis of emerging market equity returns in relation to GDP, M&A analysis and valuation, credit analysis of bank balance sheets for a head fund and more

Learn more about the MFin GCP

For further details on MFin GCP, please contact:

The Master of Finance Office
Cambridge Judge Business School
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1AG

+44 (0)1223 766381

MFin Individual Project and Work Placement (IP/WP)

  • When: 6 weeks full-time between June and September
  • Proposal deadline: 2025 dates to be confirmed

Submit a project proposal

MFin students may undertake an Individual Project or a Work Placement with a client as the final Summer Term assignment of their one-year programme. The Summer Term assignment is expected to include a minimum of 6 weeks of full-time work from June to September, when there are no other lectures or assignments. All work placements (internships) are to begin at least 6 weeks prior to the final deadline date.

Learn more about the MFin IP/WP

For further details on MFin IP/WP, please contact:

The Master of Finance Office
Cambridge Judge Business School
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1AG

+44 (0)1223 766381

MPhil and Tripos consultancy projects

MPhil in Management consulting project

A rigorous one-year programme for students who are looking to pursue a management career. This high-potential cohort are outstanding individuals with strong potential to become leaders in their field.

  • When: 6 weeks in total (3 weeks full-time) from May to mid-June
  • Proposal deadline: 14 February 2025

Submit a project proposal

  • Engage an international team of between 4 and 6 bright, motivated and committed students preparing for a professional career in management
  • Students tackle a pressing issue bringing fresh insights and rigorous academic acumen
  • Clients submit project proposals on real-world challenges your organisation is facing – to involve decision-making, employee interaction and clear, forward-looking recommendations
  • Recent projects have included strategic planning, financial modelling, business planning and market analyses

Learn more about this project

For further details on the MPhil in Management project, please contact:

Juliet Wilson
Principal Projects Leader
MPhil & MST Projects Office
Cambridge Judge Business School
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1AG

+44 (0)1223 760521

MPhil in Technology Policy consulting project

An intensive 9-month programme for students with a science or engineering background, who are interested in meeting the challenges of integrating technology, management, economics and policy.

  • When: Taking place part-time during March to June
  • Proposal deadline: 14 January 2025

Submit a project proposal

  • Highly-motivated student teams of 3 to 5 apply their considerable experience and skills to a real technology policy issue, providing tangible benefits to your organisation
  • Projects can cover a broad range of technology areas, including public policy, corporate strategy and technology development
  • Students can work for any commercial, industrial, public sector or not-for-profit organisation, either in the UK or abroad
  • Relevant projects may include strategic reviews, benchmarking and best practice analysis, diversification assessments, new market strategies and policy analyses
  • Recent organisations our students have engaged with include Royal Dutch Shell, AstraZeneca, the National Audit Office, Jaguar Land Rover, Rolls Royce, Paris Peace Forum, UK Power Networks, the Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy, Morgan Stanley, the Royal Society

Learn more about this project

For further details on the MPhil in Technology Policy project, please contact:

Juliet Wilson
Principal Projects Leader
MPhil & MST Projects Office
Cambridge Judge Business School
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1AG

+44 (0)1223 760521

Management Studies Tripos consulting project

A one-year management course attracting outstanding University of Cambridge undergraduates. Students join this programme for the last year of their undergraduate studies and come from a broad range of disciplines.

  • When: Full-time during May
  • Proposal deadline: 20 January 2025

Submit a project proposal

  • Students work in small teams of between 3 and 4 to address a real management problem for their client
  • Project scopes need to be well-defined and your organisation should be within a commutable distance from Cambridge
  • Recent projects have included strategic planning, market analyses, cost-benefit analyses, feasibility studies, competitor reviews and service assessments for local private and public organisations
  • Organisations who have worked with our students include Cambridge City Council, OC&C Strategy Consultants, Visit London, BT, Cambridge Design Partnership, Carrillon, Mott McDonald, Procter and Gamble, Marshalls, Capco, Sick Children’s Trust, Breckland Orchard and Ove Arup

Learn more about this project

For further details on the MST project, please contact:

Juliet Wilson
Principal Projects Leader
MPhil & MST Projects Office
Cambridge Judge Business School
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1AG

+44 (0)1223 760521

Submit an online project proposal

Interested in engaging our students? If you have an idea you would like to put forward for one of our student projects, please complete and submit the proposal form below. Please ensure you have read and understood the relevant project briefing notes and terms of engagement for each project before you submit your proposal.

Submit an online project proposal

Key dates

Project nameProposal deadlineProject dates
MBA Individual Project/Work PlacementMay 2025 (exact date TBC)Jul-Sep 2025
MBA Cambridge Venture Project2025 dates to be confirmedOct-Dec 2025
MBA Global Consulting Project8 Jan 2025Mid Mar-mid Apr 2025
MFin Group Consulting ProjectJan 2025 (exact date TBC)Mid Mar-mid Apr 2025
MFin Individual Project & Work Placement2025 dates to be confirmedJun-Sep 2025
MPhil in Management Consulting Project14 Feb 2025May-mid Jun 2025
MPhil in Technology Policy Final Group Project14 Jan 2025Mid Mar-early Jun 2025
Management Studies Tripos (MST) Project20 Jan 2025Mid May-early Jun 2025