Become a sponsor of Ignite
Our sponsors help to foster entrepreneurial spirit, enhance innovations and stimulate the creation of new technology ventures.
As a sponsor you will receive greater visibility within Cambridge’s wider entrepreneurial ecosystem – a growing and increasingly significant focal point globally for entrepreneurial activity, collaboration and innovation.

Support and inspire innovation
In return for your support, we are also able to offer the following package of benefits:
- the opportunity to attend all the keynote sessions during the Ignite week (for up to 3 members of your organisation)
- the opportunity to attend the Ignite welcome reception on Sunday
- the opportunity to attend and participate in a one-to-one clinic session, Pitching Panel and the celebration dinner
- your organisation’s logo and hyperlink on the Entrepreneurship Centre’s website and on course materials
- the opportunity to provide collateral for delegate bagsy
- your organisation’s banner in the refreshment area during the programme
- the opportunity for a member of your organisation to be interviewed for a podcast and blog designed to further enhance publicity around the Ignite programme
- access to our extensive network of entrepreneurs and corporate innovators.
Sponsor a delegate
You can sponsor a delegate(s) in a specific sector or who is solving a specific problem. We will announce that funding will be available for that sector and, after receiving applications, you can be involved in the selection process of the candidate. This is a good opportunity to identify talented delegates who will continue their journey with your support and contribute to solving your industry needs and problems.
Please contact us at if you would like to discuss any of our exciting opportunities in more detail.