
Welcome to the Centre for Risk Studies’ events page. Here you will find information about the programme of events we are currently running and resources from our past events.

The Centre for Risk Studies runs an active programme of events in which academics, business leaders and other industry stakeholders discuss topics relevant to risk management. These take the form of roundtable discussions, topic seminars and presentations regarding the Centre’s latest research. In recent years, the Centre has established a reputation for thought-provoking events that tackle the leading issues in risk management with insight. 

All events that the Centre hosts can be referenced here, alongside supporting materials such as presentations and video interviews with key speakers. 

Michelle Tuveson presents.

Risk Summits

Our annual Risk Summits bring together leaders and decision makers from business, government, intergovernmental organisations, academia and NGOs to explore topics on risk.

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More 2024 events

24 January 2024

Advisory Board Meeting, Cambridge

26 June 2024

15th Annual Risk Summit

27 June 2024

2024 Research Symposium


Just Transitions: Transforming Business Towards a Sustainable Future

More 2023 events

25 January 2023

Advisory Board Meeting, Cambridge

3 April 2023

Risk Prize 2023 launch event


Systemic Risks and Interlinked Global Challenges

More 2022 events

January 2022

Advisory Board Meeting, Cambridge

15-17 February 2022

Climate Risk North America

18 October 2022

Sustainable Futures Conference, London

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Transitioning to Net Zero – Managing the Risks

More 2021 events

October 2021

Advisory Board Meeting and Dinner, London


Explores “The Cyber Ecosystem” – how cyber risk inter-connects with influences and consequences within and beyond the technical arena.

The Resilient Company – Managing Business Risks

At this seminar we bring together business executives with climate change scientists to help improve the dialogue between them.

More 2020 events

28 January 2020

Centre for Risk Studies Advisory Board Meeting

25 March 2020

Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize launch event


Launch event for the 2020 update of the Cambridge Global Risk Index.

How the risk could be very different in a 5 to 10 year horizon.

Anniversary Summit: How risk will change over the next decade

Balance Sheet Risk Management and Optimisation for Corporates

The first Cambridge Risk Briefing reflecting on catastrophes in the 20th Century.

Presentation of the future research agenda of the Centre for Risk Studies. By invitation only.

Launch events for new book by researchers at the Risk Centre. More dates available.

More 2019 events

29 January 2019

Report launch

Bashe attack: Global Infection by Contagious MalwareAs part of the Singapore-based public-private initiative assessing cyber risk, CyRim, the Centre will be releasing a new report, presenting a cyber attack scenario with worldwide effects.

30 January 2019

Chief Risk Officer’s Council Roundtable

Leading Ideas in Risk: Insights into Enterprise Risk Management for Corporations

12 February 2019


Top Risks and Their Consequences to the Consumer Sectors

29 March 2019

2019 Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize

The deadline for submission for the Centre’s annual Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize

29 October 2019

Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize launch event


Launch event for the 2019 update of the Cambridge Global Risk Index.

Presents a detailed overview of how to use the Global Risk Index.

Challenges and Solutions for Enterprise Exposure Risk Management: Insurance Applications Beyond Property Classes

Reviews the trends in corporate risk management. 

Risks Beyond Boundaries

Launch of the 2018 update of the Global Risk Index, in collaboration with Lloyd’s of London.

Showcases various research tracks that are ongoing at the Centre.

Presentation of the future research agenda of the Centre for Risk Studies. By invitation only.

More 2018 events

21 November 2018

Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize: Launch event

23 January 2018

Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies Advisory Board Meeting 2018


Multi-Threat Risk Analysis and Insurance Growth Opportunities

Cyber Terrorism: Assessment of the Threat to the Insurance

Counterfactual Risk Analysis

Research tracked including insurance-related catastrophe research and the potential for loss across multiple lines.

Best Practices in Scenario Development and Usage: Present and Future

This workshop considers insurers’ needs for capital allocation to tail risk for cyber insurance exposure.

Research tracks that relate to potential for loss across multiple lines and insurance-related catastrophe research.

Managing Risk in a Smarter World

Presentation of the future research agenda of the Centre for Risk Studies. By invitation only.

More 2017 events

15 November 2017

Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize: Launch event

January 2017

Leading Ideas in Risk: Implications of FinTech and Greater Automation to the Financial Services Industry

With Professor Daniel Ralph and Dr Michelle Tuveson


5 Dec 2016Cambridge Global Risk Index 2017
Risk Science for Resilience
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30 Nov 2016Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize launch event
The Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies invites you to join them for the official launch of the 2017 Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize
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3 Nov 2016Understanding the Helios Solar Storm Scenarios
Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies London Risk Briefing – in partnership with AIG Research Teams
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Oct 2016Cambridge CRO Council Roundtable Discussion, London
Leading Ideas in Risk: Managing Risk in a Post-BREXIT World with Professor Daniel Ralph and Dr Michelle Tuveson (by invitation only)
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13-14 Sep 2016Financial Risk & Network Theory
Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies Seminar
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20-21 Jun 2016Centre for Risk Studies 7th Risk Summit
Risk Culture: Challenging Individual Agency
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12 Apr 2016Lockheed Martin Integrated Infrastructure
Cyber Resiliency in Society
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1 Mar 2016
The 2016 Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize
The Centre for Risk Studies, in conjunction with McKinsey & Company, is pleased to announce the 2016 annual risk prize. An award will be made for the best submission on risk management by a current student at the University of Cambridge.
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13 Jan 2016Centre for Risk Studies Advisory Board Meeting
Research strategy review by the members of the Centre for Risk Studies Advisory Board
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Jan 2016Cambridge CRO Council Roundtable Discussion, London
Leading Ideas in Risk with Professor Daniel Ralph and Dr Michelle Tuveson (by invitation only)
Anticipated regimes for senior managers and the measures and implications associated with incentive, administrative, and civil structures
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8 Dec 2015Market Risk: Understanding & Managing Tail Events
This seminar will present research work from the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies, together with contributions from leading practitioners in understanding market tail risks, developing coherent stress tests, and instigating effective risk management strategies.
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11 Nov 2015Unpatchable: Living with a Vulnerable Medical Device
Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies Seminar, in collaboration with the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
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6 Oct 2015Lloyd’s City Risk Index – Methodology and Usage of City Economy Risk Analysis (London Risk Briefing)
In this London Risk Briefing, hosted at Lloyd’s, we will discuss the methodology and research strategy behind the City Risk Index and look towards its application in the future.
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9 Sep 2015Financial Risk & Network Theory
Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies Seminar, in collaboration with Journal of Network Theory in Finance.
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8 Sep 2015Financial Risk & Network Theory: Pre-Publication Previews
Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies Seminar, in collaboration with Journal of Network Theory in Finance.
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3 Sep 2015Lloyd’s City Risk Index 2015-2025 Launch Event
Launching the Lloyd’s City Risk Index 2015-2025, which will provide groundbreaking analytics of the potential impact on the economic output (GDP@Risk) of 301 of the world’s major cities from 18 manmade and natural threats.
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12 Aug 2015Learning from Historical Financial Crises
The history of modern financial crises, using example crises of the past to illustrate important lessons for the future, for investment managers and financial risk officers everywhere.
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8 Jul 2015Emerging Risk Research Report: Cyber Attack Against the US Power Grid
Emerging Risk Research Report: Cyber Attack Against the US Power Grid
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Jul 20154th Annual Aspen Critical Issues & Risk Forum
Rebuilding Trust: Effective Board Governance in Times of Public Scrutiny (by invitation only)
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Jun 2015Cambridge CRO Council Roundtable Discussion, London
Aligning Risk Culture with Organisational Culture: Implications to Innovation, Adaptation, and Institutional Values with Professor Daniel Ralph and Dr Michelle Tuveson (by invitation only)
22-23 Jun 2015Centre for Risk Studies 6th Risk Summit
Risk Testing: Stressing the Boundaries
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20 May 2015Financial Catastrophe Stress Tests for Investment Portfolios (London Risk Briefing)
The recent round of stress tests to check the health of banks and economic institutions has highlighted issues in the design and implementation of stress tests.
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30 Apr 2015Financial Risk Scenarios: Could Your Portfolio Hold Up? (New York Risk Briefing)
Presented by the University of Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies, in partnership with Cambridge in America.
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3 Mar 2015
The 2015 Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize
The Centre for Risk Studies, in conjunction with McKinsey & Company, is pleased to announce the 2015 annual risk prize. An award will be made for the best submission on risk management by a current student at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School.
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19 Feb 2015Geopolitical Conflict Risk (London Risk Briefing)
Defining a Risk Test Scenario for managing the business risks posed by war disruption.
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22 Jan 2015Social Unrest Risk (London Risk Briefing)
Defining a Risk Test Scenario for managing the business risks posed by youth uprisings and political instability.
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15 Jan 2015Cambridge CRO Council Roundtable Discussion, London
Through the Financial Crime Lens: Impacts & Risks to the Global Economy with Professor Daniel Ralph and Dr Michelle Tuveson
Globalisation has increased opportunities for the globalisation of crime as evident within the financial crime arena. This has posed big challenges for businesses. This roundtable will be comprised of senior risk executives from a variety of sectors within the financial services industry to allow for a broad-based discussion.
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13 Jan 2015Centre for Risk Studies Advisory Board Meeting
Research strategy review by the members of the Centre for Risk Studies Advisory Board.
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16 Dec 2014Cyber Catastrophe Risk (London Risk Briefing)
Defining a Risk Test Scenario for managing the business risks posed by cyber threats.
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20 Nov 2014Ebola & Pandemic Risk (London Risk Briefing)
Defining a Risk Test Scenario for managing the business risks posed by infectious disease outbreaks.
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23 Sep 2014Financial Risk & Network Theory
Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies Seminar, in collaboration with Journal of Network Theory in Finance
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Jul 20143rd Annual Aspen Critical Issues & Risk Forum
The Governance Challenge: Board Leadership in the Global Risk Environment (by invitation only)
23-24 Jun 2014Centre for Risk Studies 5th Risk Summit
The Pulse of Risk: From Big Data to Business Value
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9 Apr 2014Insurability of Supply Chain Risk
Seminar on assessing and managing the risks of disruption in international supply chains and risk transfer using insurance.
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20 Mar 2014Emerging Risk Scenarios for Risk Management
Seminar on risk management using scenarios of emerging risks, such as cyber catastrophe, pandemics, geopolitical conflict, and social unrest.
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Deadline:28 Feb 2014The 2014 Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize
The Centre for Risk Studies, in conjunction with McKinsey & Company, is pleased to announce the 2014 annual risk prize. An award will be made for the best submission on risk management by a current student at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School.
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30 Jan 2014Book launch for Excise Taxation and the Origins of Public Debt
with Dr D’Maris Coffman
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23 Jan 2014Centre for Risk Studies Advisory Board Meeting
Research strategy review by the members of the Centre for Risk Studies Advisory Board.
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22 Jan 2014Cambridge CRO Council Roundtable Discussion, London
Perspectives on Counterparties: Diversification Impacts on Financial Stability with Dr Fabio Caccioli and Dr Michelle Tuveson
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Oct 2013Understanding Risk (Lunchtime Seminar Series)
Disaster Risk Reduction and Structural Performance Criteria – The Disconnect and its Solution with Dr George Walker, Honorary Research Fellow at Aon Benfield
Download the flyer to find out more (pdf, 270KB)
Sep 2013Global Landscape of Risks
Workshop on Emerging Risks in Insurance (in conjunction with Munich Re)
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Jul 20132nd Annual Aspen Critical Issues & Risk Forum
The Role of the Board in the Era of Uncertainty (by invitation only)
Jun 2013Cambridge-Singapore Research Collaboration Event
Cambridge-based Exchange
Jun 2013Centre for Risk Studies 4th Risk Summit
Risk & Strategy – Returns versus Resilience
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Jun 2013Cambridge CRO Council Roundtable Discussion, London
Unintended Consequences for Over-regulation with Dr Gary Bowman (in association with SEBA International)
The financial services industry has undergone a turbulent six years. Widespread regulatory changes have and are being enacted to protect the global economy from a re-occurence from the crises that emerged in 2007. However, there is a risk that regulation itself will stimulate behaviour that may have unintended consequences for financial services and the wider economy. What are these consequences? And are they worse than the alternatives
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Deadline: 24 May 2013The 2013 Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize
The Centre for Risk Studies, in conjunction with McKinsey & Company, is pleased to announce the launch of the first annual risk prize. An award will be made for the best submission on risk management by a current MBA student at Cambridge Judge Business School.
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May 2013Global Risk ConferenceNavigating Risk in the Global Economy
The Centre for Risk Studies is an Academic Partner for the Conference Board’s Global Risk Management Conference.
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Apr 2013Understanding Financial Catastrophe Risk: Developing a Research Agenda (Workshop)
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Feb 2013Cambridge-Singapore Research Collaboration Event
ICRM/NTU 4th Annual Meeting, Singapore.
Feb 2013Cambridge-Singapore Research Collaboration Event
Cascading Networks Workshop, Singapore.
Feb 2013Cambridge-Singapore Research Collaboration Event
Singapore-based Exchange.
Jan 2013Cambridge CRO Council Roundtable Discussion, London
Re-evaluating the Role of Risk Boards in Organisations with Professor Daniel Ralph and Michelle Tuveson (in association with SEBA International)


Dec 2012Leadership in the Age of Uncertainty: Building a Resilience Capability
Held at Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Chicago
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Nov 2012Workshop on Systemic Risk & Global Connectedness in the Financial Sector
Held at Canary Wharf, London, in association with HSBC (by invitation only)
Oct 2012Workshop on Sustainability Risk and Economics
Oct 2012Cambridge CRO Council Roundtable Discussion, London
Risk Management Versus Incentive Structures with Dr Gary Bowman and Michelle Tuveson
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Jul 20121st Annual Aspen Critical Issues & Risk Forum
Resilient Decision-making in Times of Volatility & Corporate Crisis (by invitation only)
Jun 2012System Shock Project Review Meeting
Application of System Shock: Supply Network Disruptions
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Jun 2012TEDxOxbridge 2012 Conference
The Centre for Risk Studies is a Supporting Organisation for this year’s conference.
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May 2012PRMIA’s 10th Anniversary Global Risk Conference
The Centre for Risk Studies is a Supporting Organisation for the 2012 PRMIA conference.
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May 2012Cambridge CRO Council Roundtable Discussion, London
The Chief Risk Officer’s Role in Reinstating Institutional Trust with Dr Gary Bowman and Michelle Tuveson
Apr 2012Risking Time Is Like Risking Money for the Representative Individual; You Are Not Representative
with Dr Enrico Diecidue, INSEAD (in association with the Cambridge Judge Business School Management Science & Operations subject group)
Download the abstract and speaker bio for this seminar (pdf, 15KB)
Mar 2012A Theoretical Analysis of Pricing Mechanisms and Brokers’ Decisions for Real-time Balancing in Sustainable Regional Electricity Markets
with Dr Wolfgang Ketter, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Download the abstract and speaker bio for this seminar (pdf, 14KB)
Mar 2012Credit and Environmental Risk: Is There a Link?
in association with J.P. Morgan
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Jan 2012Decision Making under Uncertainty: Methodologies from Signal Processing & Forecasting
Economic Information Acquisition for Data-driven Learning & Decision Making
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Jan 2012A Shock to the System – Workshop on ‘System Shock: Economic and Financial Consequences’
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Jan 2012Cambridge CRO Council Roundtable Discussion, London
The Strategic Value of Stress-testing and the Evolving Role of Risk within a Firm’s Organisational Structure with Professor Daniel Ralph and Michelle Tuveson


Dec 2011Centre for Risk Studies 3rd Risk Summit
Anticipating the Future: Risk Management for Long-term Planning
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Nov 2011Decision Making under Uncertainty: Methodologies from Signal Processing & Forecasting
Decomposition of Large Datasets using Bayesian Extensions
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Oct 2011Decision Making under Uncertainty: Methodologies from Signal Processing & Forecasting
This jointly sponsored journal club will bring students from the engineering and business communities together to review seminal literature around decision theory in the context of signal and information processing.
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Sep 2011Cambridge Risk EventExploring Risk & Uncertainty: Metaphors from the Art Market (in association with Sotheby’s Institute of Art)
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Jun 2011Cambridge Risk DebatesPerspectives on the Future of the Energy Sector: Energy Investment and Insurance Risks (in association with Bloomberg)
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Jun 2011SEBA International’s Chief Risk Officer Dinner
The Centre for Risk Studies’ Professor Daniel Ralph is an Academic Discussant.
Apr 2011Decision Making under Uncertainty: Methodologies from Signal Processing & Forecasting
This jointly sponsored journal club will bring students from the engineering and business communities together to review seminal literature around decision theory in the context of signal and information processing.
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Mar 2011NTU-ICRM’s 2nd International Symposium on Catastrophe Risk Management
The Centre for Risk Studies is a meeting partner.
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Mar 2011Morningstar Investment Conference Europe
The Centre for Risk Studies designated as a University Partner for Morningstar.


Dec 2010Centre for Risk Studies 2nd Risk Summit
The Human Dimension of Risk: Perception, Behaviour & Decision Making in Risk Management
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Nov 2010Centre for Risk Studies Risk Writers Event
Mastering Operational Risk with John Thirlwell
Download the flyer for this seminar (pdf, 114KB)
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Oct 2010The Modern History of US Corporate Governance
with Professor Brian Cheffins, S.J. Berwin Professor of Corporate Law, University of Cambridge
Download the flyer for this seminar (pdf, 84KB)
Download the presentation slides for this seminar (pdf, 231KB)
Oct 2010Cambridge Risk Event
Complexity and Statistics: Tipping Points & Crashes (in association with the Royal Statistical Society and Knowledge Transfer Network)
Download the flyer for this seminar (pdf, 84KB)
Jun 2010Risk Centre Student Research Spotlights
Download the abstracts, speaker bios and presentation slides for these seminars (pdf, 1.47MB)
Jun 2010Conference Out-brief Event: New Energy Finance Roundtable Discussion
Download the flyer for this event (pdf, 128KB)
Download the presentation slides for this event (pdf, 437KB)
May 2010The Role of Risk & Uncertainty in the Creative Industries
with Dr Anna M. Dempster, Birkbeck College, University of London
Download the abstract and speaker bio for this seminar (pdf, 83KB)
May 2010Cambridge Risk Industry ForumPortfolios of Everything (POE) with Professor Sam Savage, Stanford University, and Dr Paul D. Kaplan, Morningstar (presented by Morningstar Europe & AnalyCorp)
Download the flyer for this event (pdf, 670KB)
Download the slides for this event (pdf, 1MB)
Download the white paper for this event (pdf, 5.89MB)
Mar 2010Plan for the Worst, Hope for the Best: Managing the Deep Downside Risk in Government & Businesswith Professor Dougal Goodman, Visiting Professor at Cranfield University
Download the abstract and speaker bio for this seminar (pdf, 24KB)
Download the presentation slides for this seminar (pdf, 587KB)
Feb 2010Financial Risk Governance and Management in the European Unionwith Professor Kern Alexander, Professorial Chair in Banking, Corporate Governance and Financial Market Law, University of Zürich
Download the abstract and speaker bio for this seminar (pdf, 23KB)
Download the presentation slides for this seminar (pdf, 218KB)
Feb 2010Modelling the Risks of Climate Change
with Dr Chris Hope, Reader in Policy Modelling, Cambridge Judge Business School
Download the abstract and speaker bio for this seminar (pdf, 21KB)
Download the presentation slides for this seminar (pdf, 1.82MB)
Jan 2010Risk Management and Decision Making: A Corporate Chief Risk Officer’s Perspective
with Dr Ruth Whaley, Interim Director of International Business Development, Cambridge Judge Business School
Download the abstract and speaker bio for this seminar (pdf, 22KB)
Download the presentation slides for this seminar (pdf, 1.33MB)


Dec 2009Centre for Risk Studies 1st Risk Summit
Managing the Risk of Catastrophic Failure in Complex Systems
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Nov 2009Managing the Risks from Natural Catastrophes: Are We Making Progress?
with Professor Robin Spence, Centre for Risk in the Built Environment, University of Cambridge
Download the abstract and speaker bio for this seminar (pdf, 28KB)
Download the presentation slides for this seminar (pdf, 3.71MB)
Nov 2009Modelling Risks in Financial Markets: Asset Return Correlations and Market Risk
with Professor Hashem Pesaran, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge
Download the abstract and speaker bio for this seminar (pdf, 50KB)
Download the presentation slides for this seminar (pdf, 1.42MB)
Oct 2009Science & Catastrophe Risk Management
with Dr Andrew Coburn, Vice President of Catastrophe Research, Risk Management Solutions
Download the abstract and speaker bio for this seminar (pdf, 29KB)
Download the presentation slides for this seminar (pdf, 4.72MB)
Oct 2009Representations of Risk and Uncertainty
with Professor David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Download the abstract and speaker bio for this seminar (pdf, 85KB)
Download the presentation slides for this seminar (pdf, 1.2MB)
Sep 2009Roundtable Discussion on Risk Management and Global Health Risks
The Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies’ research programme includes risks associated with global health to the economies of nations. This roundtable discussion will help highlight the emerging risks in global health and examine the phenomenon of catastrophe and challenge the assumptions of unpredictability.
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